Mission and Justice

Mission and Justice Matters at PACC

Open and Affirming – ONA

At a special congregational meeting on May 6, 2007 we became covenanted members of the UCC ONA Coalition by adopting the following declaration:

We, the members of Park Avenue Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, as an expression of our Christian love for all God’s people, declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation. Open and Affirming is the UCC designation for congregations that make public statements of welcome into their full life, leadership and ministries to persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We welcome all people into our community of faith, embracing differences of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, race, ethnicity, mental or physical ability, age and socio-economic background.

 In our calling to express the love and welcome of Christ, we affirm the dignity and worth of every person.

We celebrate our commitment each year on the first Sunday in May. Join us for our 12th Anniversary remembrance on May 5, 2019. Wear a nametag with your pronouns, ask others theirs instead of presuming to know, and go to https://www.mypronouns.org to find out the what, why, and how of personal pronouns.

One Great Hour of Sharing® (OGHS)

In March we collected $1,833.00 for One Great Hour of Sharing® (OGHS), which is more than 128% of last year’s total. THANK YOU for your generosity. Stay updated about OGHS at www.ucc.org/oghs and www.facebook.com/onegreathourofsharingucc.

Immigration, Asylum, and Refugee Issues


Mass. Conference UCC Immigration, Refugee and Asylum Task Teamhttps://www.macucc.org/immigration

Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network (BIJAN / Beyond)

Several members of our Immigration working group have taken training to answer telephone hotline calls and are getting ready to take their first shifts answering calls from home from folks caught up in the immigration system asking for assistance. See https://beyondbondboston.org/ for more about what they do. Talk to Cindy Manson if you are not yet on her email distribution list and wish to participate or merely be informed.

Immigrant Rights Sunday

The first Sunday in May has been designated Immigrant Rights Sunday within the United Church of Christ. Justice and Witness Ministries and Wider Church Ministries are urging congregations to lift up immigrants on this day: to learn about their concerns, honor their contributions to our country and communities, hear their pain, pray for their well-being, and listen to hear where God is leading us regarding issues of immigration.

For the most current issues on immigration with potential ways to get involved see http://www.ucc.org/justice_immigration_immigrantrightssunday.



Arlington Food Pantry

Bring non-perishable food items and household goods to church by Sunday, May 2. Find a list of high-need items at  arlingtonfoodpantry.org/donate-food. You may also donate by check or cash noting that the funds are for AFP. Thanks for your generosity and thanks to Bryan Mau for delivering our items to the AFP.

NEAT (Neighbors Eating All Together)

The next NEAT dinner at St. John’s Church (74 Pleasant St.) is Saturday, May 18, from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm.  This dinner is a community dinner, open to all and free of charge. Look for an email to chat if you’d like to help set up, serve, help in the kitchen or clean up. Thanks!

 Housing Corporation of Arlington’s 18th Annual Walk for Affordable Housing – The Walk will be on Sunday, June 9 this year. See more info about the Walk here: www.housingcorparlington.org/events/walk/

Open and Affirming (ONA) LGBTQIA++ Issues

 Mystic LGBTQ+ Youth Support Network – Sign up for Queer Mystic’s Newsletter here: https://www.queermystic.org/contact.html.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Asylum Task Force is a ministry of Hadwen Park Church and a community-based organization dedicated to supporting and empowering LGBTQI individuals who are seeking asylum in the United States. Asylum seekers who file for asylum in the United States are not permitted to work until they are granted a work permit and social security number, a process which can take more than a year. During that time, we strive to provide housing and financial support. Our goal is to educate the public in an effort to change policy around the globe so that someday no LGBTQI person will need to seek asylum because of their sexual orientation or gender identity and the need to find a safe place. ​ http://www.lgbtasylum.org/

Pride Morning Worship

Old South Church UCC – Copley Square Boston, June 8, 2019 – 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Pride Morning Worship is a high-energy, joyous annual service celebrating the LGBTQ community.

Boston Pride 2019: Looking Back, Loving Forward

We invite you to march with the Mass Conference ONA churches in Boston Pride in the 49th annual Boston Pride on Saturday, June 8, 2019, 12:00 pm. Spectators enjoy cheering for our marching group, with our 100 participants, rhythm instruments, chanting and dancing. Our message of Extravagant Welcome for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions is always well received. Our presence makes a real difference. Please see Jill Lewis or email her at jelewi@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Greetings from Our Pastor

Greetings from our Pastor!

For her preschool unit on nature, my 5-year-old daughter  has been keeping an eye out for “signs of spring.” On the way to and from school each morning, we’ve marveled over snow glories and crocuses; tulips and daffodils; new leaves on trees; and an uptick in robins snagging worms.

But our favorite neighborhood nature sighting can be seen all year long: a rare “piebald” Easter cottontail rabbit. The piebald coloring is mostly white, with a few brownish-grey patches – due to a genetic mutation and can make piebald rabbits easy prey for hawks and owls. But our Piebald Bunny, as we call it, is pretty good at hiding in the bushes; we play a game on the way to school to see who can spot it first.

From pill bugs to red tailed hawks, it’s such a thrill to see her sharing my sense of awe and wonder at God’s creation. But I particularly love sharing our rabbit friend with her, because just like the freckles that pop out on her cheeks this time of year, Piebald Bunny is a reminder of God’s creativity – and that difference can be special.

In honor of Piebald Bunny and of God’s tendency to show off in spring and summer, I invite you to read this poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins celebrating all manner of spotted, mottled, and strange creations giving glory to their Maker by the very fact of their juxtaposition:

“Pied Beauty”

Glory be to God for dappled things – 

For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; 

For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; 

Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings; 

Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plough; 

And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. 

 All things counter, original, spare, strange; 

Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) 

With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; 

He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: 

Praise him.


Reverend Leah Lyman Waldron, Pastor

Christian Education

Christian Education

Sunday school

We are continuing to learn stories about peacemaking.  This month we’ll be learning about how Abigail prevented a war (1 Samuel 25:1-35), Elisha turned back the soldiers (2 Kings 6:8-23), the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) and about respecting others (James 2:1-13).

We’ll have one multi-age class on Sunday, May 27, Memorial Day weekend.

Youth Group

The middle school youth group meets during the worship service on Sundays.

May 6             Stay in church for the whole service

May 13            We’ll be learning about the story of the good Samaritan and making some plans for Youth Sunday (June 10).  We’ll also assemble a birthday bag for our dorm at Youth Villages.

May 20            We’ll be learning about Pentecost, making some plans for Youth Sunday, and making Rice Krispies treats

May 27            Multi-age class

Mission and Justice

Mission and Justice Matters at PACC

 One Great Hour of Sharing® (OGHS) “More Than We Can Imagine”

We collected $1,430.00 for OGHS during Lent. THANK YOU for your generosity.

Recognizing Hate: Why Symbols Matter

Talk to Mike Rich or Jill Lewis if you would like a copy of the resource list that the Arlington Human Rights Commission and the ADL sent out after the event.


Project Bread’s 50th Annual Walk for Hunger

The walk will take place Sunday, May 6. Learn more about it here: www.projectbread.org/walk-for-hunger. Talk to Jill Lewis or Kate Lindheim about contributing through the PACC team.

Birthday bags for Youth Villages

Every month we take a birthday party in a bag to our dorm at Youth Villages.  Each bag contains 3 boxes of cake mix, 3 containers of frosting, birthday candles, a birthday banner or streamers, coordinating plates and napkins for 20, and a birthday treat (stickers, a bag of lollipops, bubbles, nail polish, an adult coloring book and colored pencils).  If you’d like to donate any of these items, you can bring them to church and place them in the blue bucket marked Youth Villages under the table in the narthex at any time.  Thank you!

Arlington Food Pantry

Bring non-perishable food items and household goods to church by Sunday, April 8. Find high-need items here: arlingtonfoodpantry.org/donate-food. You may also donate by check or cash noting that the funds are for AFP. Thanks for your generosity and thanks to Bryan Mau for delivering our items to the AFP.

NEAT (Neighbors Eating All Together)

The next NEAT dinner at St. John’s Church (74 Pleasant St.) is Saturday, May 26, from 5pm-6pm.  This dinner is a community dinner, open to all and free of charge. If you’d like to volunteer, look for an email to chat, or please speak to Kate Lindheim.  Thanks!

Somerville Homeless Coalition’s Community Supper

PACC provides a meal for about 25 people on the fourth Monday of every month. Look for an email to CHAT or speak to Kate Lindheim if you’d like to prepare dinner, provide food, and help set up, plate food, serve food, or clean up.

Pride Parade

The Boston Pride Parade is Saturday, June 9. Please speak to Jill Lewis or Mike Rich if you think you might be going, or if you have any questions.

Wider Church

Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries 52nd Anniversary Dinner

May 10, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Temple Ohabei Shalom, 1187 Beacon St, Brookline

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Liz Walker. “Her remarks will address the Moral Courage for Public Policy: What does this mean? Why do communities need to be a part of shaping public policy? What areas do they want involvement in? What are some examples in communities already? How do WE participate in society? It will be a night of music, community awards, and a great way to meet people across our different constituencies.” Talk to Jill Lewis or Mike Rich or see www.eventbrite.com/e/cmm-anniversary-fundraising-dinner-2018-with-rev-liz-walker-tickets-42924307760.


One Can Help

Because of PACC’s support of One Can Help, an organization that supports low-income, high-risk children and parents involved in the juvenile court system in Massachusetts, we have been given 2 free tickets to their annual celebration and fundraising dinner – Thursday, May 10, 2018 from 6:30-9:00 pm at The Windsor Club, Newton; Keynote Speaker Ayanna Pressley, Boston City Councilor. Talk to Mike Rich for more information.

City Mission Boston

City Mission Boston has a Social Justice Internship Program that invites rising high school juniors, seniors, and recent graduates who are interested in social justice to apply to their summer internship program! Interns will explore some of the root causes and consequences of poverty, inequality, and racism, as well as technical skills such as public policy research, service-learning, communications, and nonprofit organizational structure. Details here: citymissionboston.org/what-we-do/educational-opportunities/social-justice-internships/


Violence Against People of Color

In the wake of the shooting deaths of Stefon Clark and Saheed Vassell, the Council of Deacons voted to put the Black Lives Matter banner up through the end of May. Currently it is secured to trees on the Park Ave. side of the building; it will go in the traditional banner space on the Paul Revere Rd. side of the building after the Rummage Sale banner comes down.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns

Learn about the Mass. Conference UCC’s commitment to the Open and Affirming – ONA movement here: www.macucc.org/lgbt. Read PACC’s ONA Covenant here: www.pacc-ucc.org/home/about-us/open-and-affirming. Join us as we celebrate the 11th Anniversary of becoming an Open and Affirming Congregation during worship and in Coffee Hour on May 6. Wear a nametag with your pronouns.

Greetings from Pastor Leah

Greetings from our Pastor!

Dear PACC friends and members,

Welcome to spring!

As we move into warmer weather, we are also moving through Eastertide. In worship we’ll continue to focus on stories of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances and how we are challenged as people of faith to live like God is indeed with us, like Love is indeed stronger than death.

Eastertide ends on May 20th with Pentecost. From the Greek word for “fifty days,” Pentecost falls on the 50th day of the Easter season and marks the receiving of the Holy Spirit by Jesus’ disciples and a whole crowd of followers. It’s also traditionally considered the birthday of the Church, when the reins were handed over to the disciples to start living and sharing the Good News themselves.

In other words, Pentecost is a time to think about how we claim a mature faith for ourselves – a faith we are committed to wrestling with, a faith journey we are willing to invite others to share with us, a faith exploration that with all its questions and complexities keeps our church community vibrant and alive.

The good news is that we aren’t left to do it on our own; we have the Holy Spirit, origin of those holy nudges and moments of fresh perspective that help us to live out our faith, reaching out to those around us in a spirit of love, joy, and adventure.

If that all sounds great, but you’re wondering what it looks like – come to worship and we’ll dive into it together! If you can’t make it to worship, you can catch up on sermons here: www.pacc-ucc.org/sermons

Blessings in this beautiful season of new life,

Reverend Leah Lyman Waldron, Pastor

Christian Education

Christian Education- April 2018

Sunday school

On Easter, April 1, we’ll have childcare for young children and activity bags to help older kids sit through the worship service.  After the service we’ll have an Easter Egg hunt in the garden behind the playground.  Head out through the back door in the narthex to collect eggs and get an Easter treat!

We’ll have Art with Gwen on April 22. This is a monthly art project for Sunday school led by Gwen Phelps.

The middle school youth group meets on Sunday mornings during the worship service.

April 1             Easter Sunday, stay in the worship service

April 8             We’ll be talking about the story of Jesus appearing to the disciples (John 21:1-14)

April 15           No regular Sunday school, one multi age Sunday school class

April 22           We’ll be making salad for the Somerville community supper

April 29           We’ll be talking about the story of five sisters who solve a problem (Numbers 27:1-11)

Youth Group

 Come volunteer with the Outdoor Church on Sunday, April 22! We’ll leave PACC at 1:30pm to meet with Outdoor Church staff at Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church (1555 Mass Ave, Cambridge).  We’ll then divide into two groups to distribute sandwiches, drinks and snacks in Harvard Square and Central Square, returning to Harvard-Epworth around 5pm for a quick debriefing and then back to PACC by 5:30pm.  You can read more about the Outdoor Church at www.outdoorchurch.org

The middle school and high school youth groups are invited to walk in the Housing Corporation of Arlington’s Walk for Affordable Housing on April 29. PACC is hosting a table near PACC to hand out water and snacks to walkers!  The walk starts at 12:30 pm at the Jason Russell House (7 Jason St, Arlington) or you can volunteer at the PACC table. We will set up the table and serve water and snacks from 12:45 pm-1:45 pm. More info about the Walk here: www.housingcorparlington.org/events/walk/

Mission and Justice Matters at PACC

Mission and Justice Matters at PACC- April 2018

One Great Hour of Sharing® (OGHS) “More Than We Can Imagine”

You can continue to donate to OGHS, the Lenten Offering of the United Church of Christ, through the end of March and until Easter Sunday. We will forward PACC’s offering to the Mass Conference during the first week of April deposit. At Super Saturday, on March 17, I learned that one of the things OGHS has done through Church World Service is to fund a counselor/teacher at the Inanda Seminary School in South Africa for the last 18 years. It is one of the oldest schools for girls in South Africa. Daniel and Lucy Lindley, a Congregationalist missionary couple from the U.S, founded it in 1853 at Inanda, a settlement just over 20 miles north of Durban. For much more information about OGHS including about Matching Gift programs, donating to a specific natural disaster or refugee emergency, staying updated, and watching videos see www.ucc.org/oghs and www.facebook.com/onegreathourofsharingucc.

 UCC Christmas Fund 2017 offering of $810.00 was sent to the Mass. Conference on 1/31/2018.

Recognizing Hate: Why Symbols Matter

Tuesday, April 10, from 7:00pm – 8:30pm at Arlington Town Hall. All members of the community are invited to join the Arlington Human Rights Commission and ADL New England for this important conversation. In the last year communities across Massachusetts have seen symbols of hate appear on schools, homes and houses of worship. While such acts are deeply troubling, there are ways we can fight back. See Mike Rich (He has reserved 4 tickets) or go to arlingtonadl.eventbrite.com for details and to register (FREE).


The Housing Corporation of Arlington’s Walk for Affordable Housing is on Sunday, April 29, from 11 am -3 pm, starting and ending at the Jason Russell House on the corner of Jason St. and Mass. Ave. This is a 3 mile walk down Mass. Ave and back and raises funds and awareness for affordable housing in Arlington. PACC will be hosting a rest stop table during the walk at the corner of Mass Ave. and Park Avenue.

Arlington Food Pantry

Bring non-perishable food items and household goods to church by Sunday, April 8. Find high-need items here: arlingtonfoodpantry.org/donate-food

NEAT (Neighbors Eating All Together)

The next NEAT dinner at St. John’s Church (74 Pleasant St.) is Saturday, April 28, from 5pm-6pm.  This dinner is a community dinner, open to all and free of charge. If you’d like to volunteer, look for an email to chat, or please speak to Kate Lindheim.  Thanks!

Somerville Homeless Coalition’s Community Supper

Monday, April 23, is our day to provide the meal to serve 25-30 people for the Somerville Homeless Coalition’s community supper. Look for a message to the chat list about a week before the dinner for more details. We need four people to make a main dish (recipe and disposable pan provided), 2 large loaves of bread, 1 quart of half and half, 2 or 3 people to provide fresh fruit and 2 large bottles of juice.

Expanding the Circle: Restorative Justice at a pivotal time

Wednesday, April 11, 6:00 – 9:00pm at Arlington Town Hall. A party and fundraiser celebrating 18 years of Communities for Restorative Justice (C4RJ)-community-police partnerships; with live music, a light supper and silent auction. Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey will be guest speaker. As a sponsor PACC gets 2 tickets. See Jill Lewis or Mike Rich. You can also register for your own tickets here: www.eventbrite.com/e/expanding-the-circle-tickets-39729943330?aff=erelexpmlt#tickets

Mystic LGBTQ+ Youth Support Network

See Queer Mystic’s Newsletter, here https://tinyurl.com/yckrgs88

Wider Church

An Evening with Traci Blackmon

April 3, 2018, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

University School of Theology Community Center, 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston

The Rev. Traci Blackmon is the Executive Minister of Justice & Witness Ministries of The United Church of Christ and Senior Pastor of Christ The King United Church of Christ in Florissant, MO. This event is free and open to the public due to generous support from the Lowell Institute. For more Lowell Lectures, please visit www.lowellinstitute.org.

Spring Meeting Metropolitan Boston Association UCC – Ministry with Our Neighbors

April 28, 2018, 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Congregational Church of Needham, 1154 Great Plain Ave., Needham

To do ministry with our neighbors we need to actually meet our neighbors. This program section of the Spring Meeting will provide specific skills for lay groups of your congregation to get into your community, and to listen for what are their strengths and needs. Rev. Joan Murray, founder of Chaplains on the Way- a ministry with those experiencing homelessness in the city of Waltham, and Katie Omberg, Director of Community Engagement for City Mission Boston, will lead us in some key practices for engaging and accompanying our neighbors. Go here to register: macucc-reg.brtapp.com/MBASpringMeeting2018

 Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries 52nd Anniversary Dinner

May 10, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Temple Ohabei Shalom, 1187 Beacon St, Brookline

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Liz Walker. “Her remarks will address the Moral Courage for Public Policy: What does this mean? Why do communities need to be a part of shaping public policy? What areas do they want involvement in? What are some examples in communities already? How do WE participate in society? It will be a night of music, community awards, and a great way to meet people across our different constituencies.” Talk to Jill Lewis or Mike Rich or see www.eventbrite.com/e/cmm-anniversary-fundraising-dinner-2018-with-rev-liz-walker-tickets-42924307760.

Greetings from Pastor Leah

Greetings from Pastor Leah

Dear PACC friends and members,

Happy Easter!

A little-known liturgical factoid: Easter is not just a day, but a 50-day season called Eastertide. There are eight Sundays in Eastertide: one for each of the seven days of creation, plus one for the new creation we experience through Jesus’ resurrection. Eastertide reminds us that Easter isn’t a one-off festive occasion, but a weeks-long opportunity to celebrate the ways in which God is calling forth new life all around us!

Throughout Lent, we were preparing to Find Our Why – working to figure out our purpose as a church so that we’ll be energized to continue to do God’s work in our community and beyond.

Now, during this season of new creation and new life, it’s time to put some words to that Why – to articulate exactly what kind of new life God is breathing into us! To that end, during Eastertide we’ll hold two coffee hour conversations to discern our Why together.

Mark your calendars for coffee hour on April 22 and May 6, when we’ll share stories of why we’re part of PACC and listen for common threads about how God is uniquely calling us to bless each other, our community, and our world.

Many of you have commented about how Park Avenue feels full of energy and excitement these days – I couldn’t agree more! I am so grateful to each of you for bringing your passion, your ideas, and your thoughtful creativity to this new season in our life together.

What a blessing, indeed!

With excitement and appreciation,


Reverend Leah Lyman Waldron, Pastor

Christian Education

Christian Education

March 2018

Sunday school

This month we’ll be learning stories about Lent and Easter from the gospels of Mark and John.

On Palm Sunday, March 25, we’ll have a Holy Week workshop during Sunday school to learn about the events of Holy Week through skits, stories, and a special snack.

We’ll have Music with Andy on March 11 during Sunday school and Art with Gwen on March 18 during Sunday school

On Easter, April 1, we’ll have childcare for young children and activity bags to help older kids sit through the worship service.  After the service we’ll have an Easter Egg hunt in the garden behind the playground.  Head out through the back door in the narthex to collect eggs and get an Easter treat!

Youth Group

 The middle school youth group meets during the worship service on Sunday mornings, except for Communion Sundays when the middle school group stays in church for the worship service.

March 4— stay in church, Communion Sunday.

March 11–we’ll learn a story about the widow’s offering (Mark 12:41-44) and make birthday cards to go with the birthday bags we donate to Youth Villages each month.

March 18— we’ll practice some skits and get ready for next week’s Holy Week workshop and do an art project with Gwen.

March 25— Palm Sunday pancake breakfast and Holy Week workshop.

The youth group will serve at the Palm Sunday pancake breakfast on March 25. Come to Parish Hall at 7:45 am to help set up and get ready!

Mission and Justice

Mission and Justice

March 2018

 One Great Hour of Sharing® (OGHS) “More Than We Can Imagine”

OGHS is the Lenten Offering of the United Church of Christ. It is at work all around the year, all around the world – sharing resources and changing lives. The UCC works with domestic and international partners, to provide support to health, education, refugee, agricultural, and emergency relief initiatives. We will receive and dedicate the OGHS offering on Sunday, March 11. Please prayerfully consider your gift between now and then. For much more information including about Matching Gift programs, donating to a specific natural disaster or refugee emergency, staying updated, and watching videos see www.ucc.org/oghs and www.facebook.com/onegreathourofsharingucc.


Arlington Food Pantry

Bring non-perishable food items and household goods to church by Sunday, March 4. Find high-need items here: arlingtonfoodpantry.org/donate-food

NEAT (Neighbors Eating All Together)

The next NEAT dinner at St. John’s Church (74 Pleasant St) is Saturday, March 24 from 5pm-6pm.  This dinner is a community dinner, open to all and free of charge. If you’d like to volunteer, look for an email to chat, or please speak to Kate Lindheim.  Thanks!

Birthday bags for Youth Villages/Germaine Lawrence

Each month we drop off a birthday party in a bag for a dorm at Youth Villages, just up the street from PACC.  Youth Villages is a residential program for girls with emotional and behavioral issues from ages 12-21.  Birthdays can be difficult days and a reminder of loss for the girls at Youth Villages.  The birthday bags help the girls celebrate their special day and are fun for the whole dorm.  Each birthday bag contains 3 boxes of cake mix, 3 containers of frosting, birthday candles, cupcake liners, festive matching or coordinating plates and napkins (set of 20), and a special treat (examples include a bag of lollipops, nail polish, adult coloring books and colored pencils, bubbles, temporary tattoos, glow sticks).  All of these items are then packaged in a large gift bag. If you’d like to donate any of these items, you can leave them in the blue bucket under the table in the narthex.  This is an ongoing collection because we donate a birthday bag each month throughout the year. If you have any questions, please ask Kate Lindheim. Thank you!

Somerville Homeless Coalition’s Community Supper

We’ll provide the meal for the Somerville Homeless Coalition’s community supper on Monday, March 26.  Look for an email to chat with all the details.

A Nation of Immigrants Community Seder

Sunday, March 4, 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm, Campus Center Ballroom, UMass Boston. See Mike or Betty Rich or go to www.eventbrite.com/e/adls-11th-annual-a-nation-of-immigrants-community-seder-tickets-40099365281 for details and to register (FREE).

Mystic LGBTQ+ Youth Support Network

See Queer Mystic’s Newsletter, here https://tinyurl.com/yckrgs88 , for news and events in March and beyond, including QUEER NIGHT, Saturday, March 3, 7-8:30 pm at Fox Library in Arlington; DRAG PROM Saturday, May 19, 7 -10 pm at the Arlington Senior Center.

Wider Church

Super Saturday

March 17, 2018 – 8:00 am – 3:45 pm

Minnechaug Regional High School, Wilbraham, MA

A day of stellar workshops and UCC community featuring the dynamic Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis as keynote speaker. Dr. Lewis extends a profound, moving, even funny invitation to join her in working for racial equality. Workshops focus on everything from living into our LGBTQ welcome to growing a vibrant church to learning about the Sanctuary movement. Past attendees have come back excited and equipped to do new things here at PACC! Register at www.macucc.org/eventdetail/super-saturday-march-2018-9985355 Deadline March 3. Talk to Mike Rich to register as a group at a discounted rate.

Eumenical Lenten Carbon Fast

“Only by coming together can we solve the climate crisis. Our churches, as tight-knit, morally-driven communities, are an excellent place to begin!  God is calling us to be the change we long to see. Let us engage this spiritual discipline, grateful for all God has entrusted to us, and trusting that with God all things are possible.” The Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, Massachusetts Conference Minister and President.  www.macucc.org/carbonfast

An Evening with Traci Blackmon

April 3, 2018, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

University School of Theology Community Center, 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston

The Rev. Traci Blackmon is the Executive Minister of Justice & Witness Ministries of The United Church of Christ and Senior Pastor of Christ The King United Church of Christ in Florissant, MO. This event is free and open to the public due to generous support from the Lowell Institute. For more Lowell Lectures, please visit www.lowellinstitute.org.