Christian Education
March 2018
Sunday school
This month we’ll be learning stories about Lent and Easter from the gospels of Mark and John.
On Palm Sunday, March 25, we’ll have a Holy Week workshop during Sunday school to learn about the events of Holy Week through skits, stories, and a special snack.
We’ll have Music with Andy on March 11 during Sunday school and Art with Gwen on March 18 during Sunday school
On Easter, April 1, we’ll have childcare for young children and activity bags to help older kids sit through the worship service. After the service we’ll have an Easter Egg hunt in the garden behind the playground. Head out through the back door in the narthex to collect eggs and get an Easter treat!
Youth Group
The middle school youth group meets during the worship service on Sunday mornings, except for Communion Sundays when the middle school group stays in church for the worship service.
March 4— stay in church, Communion Sunday.
March 11–we’ll learn a story about the widow’s offering (Mark 12:41-44) and make birthday cards to go with the birthday bags we donate to Youth Villages each month.
March 18— we’ll practice some skits and get ready for next week’s Holy Week workshop and do an art project with Gwen.
March 25— Palm Sunday pancake breakfast and Holy Week workshop.
The youth group will serve at the Palm Sunday pancake breakfast on March 25. Come to Parish Hall at 7:45 am to help set up and get ready!