Past Events

Past events at the church


  • Disaster relief for the people of Japan: Although events in Libya have moved Japan to the bottom half of the front page, relief efforts in response to the earthquake and tsunami are ongoing.  The Japanese government has requested international assistance in response to this massive disaster.  The United Church of Christ is supporting emergency relief and rebuilding efforts.  Donate on line.
  • You can donate to the Food Pantry or donate to the Fuel Assistance Program to help the town of Arlington assist residents by providing them with much-needed food or with help paying their heating bills.
  • The Somerville Homeless Coalition sent a nice note thanking the church a “generous contribution of so many much-needed items for our clients.”  You can still contribute.
  • Sarah’s Circle (April 9, 10am): We’ll discuss one of the great Greek tragedies, Electra (also spelled Elektra).  There are multiple versions of the play; the group will read the one by Sophocles, which is probably the most accessible.  All women are welcome.
  • Spring cleaning (April 9, 9-4): We’ll have a work day to focus on cleaning the Narthex, Sanctuary, and church grounds and putting the last touches on the Fellowship Room before Easter.  Any time you can spend between 9 and 4 will be appreciated.
  • Walk for Affordable Housing (April 10):  Last year, PACC fielded an impressive team of walkers to raise funds for the Housing Corporation of Arlington.  Mark your calendars and join Team PACC to raise funds to provide affordable housing and prevent homelessness in Arlington.
  • One Great Hour of Sharing (April 3): OGHS is the refugee, relief and development fund of the United Church of Christ.  It provides support globally in the form of clean water and food, education and health care, small business micro-credit, emergency relief, refugee assistance and disaster response.
  • Food Sunday (April 3).  We welcome your contributions of non-perishable items which will be delivered by a member of our Mission and Justice Ministry to the Arlington Food Pantry.
  • PACC-Men (April 5, 7:30pm): We’ll meet for a presentation by Terence E. McKinney, M.Div.  Terry serves as Affiliate Minister of Mental Health Outreach at First Church in Cambridge and as chaplain at two Boston-area hospitals.  He will talk about one way in which churches can respond to those with mental health needs in their congregations and communities.  All men are invited.
  • Women’s Guild (April 7, 11am): We’ll enjoy a pizza lunch and discuss books. All women are invited.
  • Fun and Fellowship (March 26): We had such a good time at the Pot-Luck/Game Night last month that we are going to do it again.  Bring something to eat, games, friends, and family. RSVPs appreciated.  Contact the church office for more information.
  • Tremendous Hearts (March 27, coffee hour): Marilyn Votaw, founder of Tremendous Hearts and a former member of Pleasant Street Congregational Church, will speak about the mission and work of Tremendous Hearts, an organization which sends highly-skilled volunteers to agencies that care for orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa.
  • Wagner Lectures (March 27, 2pm): Jeffery Brody will give a lecture on the Influence of Wagner on Mahler and other composers at The College Club on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston. Jeffrey promises, “This will not be a boring musicological treatise (given the personalities of Wagner and Mahler how could it be anyway?).” See the Boston Wagner Society for details.
  • The Jesus Diaries (March 30, 7:30pm):  We will use The Jesus Diaries, a short (30 page) booklet from the UCC containing personal essays written by the Still Speaking Writers Group, as a study guide for Lent. For the April 6th meeting, we will share our own essays about what Jesus means to each of us.
  • Evening Bible Group (March 23): We will discuss the lectionary readings for April 3:  1 Samuel 16:1-13, Psalm 23, Ephesians 5:8-14, and John 9:1-41.  Everyone is welcome to join this group, which is led by Bill Albright.
  • Singing (March 20):  Andy Hart will lead a session geared toward learning and singing spiritual rounds of different types on Sunday, March 20, at 7:00 p.m. in the Nicoll Room (upstairs).  We’ll sing a few from our hymnal as well as rounds from other countries and from collections such as the Revels, Kings Singers, and the Libana songbooks (as time allows).  Teen and adult singers are welcome.  If you are a non-singer and would like to come and listen, feel free!
  • PACC-Women (March 21): The topic of the evening will be “FOOD RULES!”  If you are curious – come to PACC-Women to find out what we’re up to.  RSVPs appreciated.  Contact the church office for more information.
  • Sarah’s Circle (March 12): This women’s book group will meet Saturday, March 12 from 10 a.m. until 12 noon in the Fireplace Room. Each person will choose a book dealing with Greek Gods/mythology. As usual, those who wish to meditate may come at 9:30 a.m. If you have questions contact the church office.
  • Daylight Savings Time (March 13): DST begins at 2:00 a.m. Sunday, March 13. Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed on March 12.
  • Potluck supper (March 13): Please come to a potluck and party after church to recognize Kathy Richardson‘s 17 years of faithful service to PACC. This will be a chance for those who are not around the church office during the week to see and talk to Kathy in person.
  • The Jesus Diaries (March 16): At 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16, and Wednesday, April 6, we will use The Jesus Diaries, a short (30 page) booklet from the UCC containing personal essays written by the Still Speaking Writers Group, as a study guide for Lent. For the April 6th meeting, we will have the opportunity to share our own essays about what Jesus means to each of us. If you are interested in ordering this booklet please contact the church office.
  • Women’s Coffee group met March 10. All women are cordially invited to enjoy this time of fellowship.
  • PACC-Men met March 7 for a Bar-B-Q take-out dinner from Blue Ribbon.
  • Food Sunday was March 6. We welcome your contributions of non-perishable items which will be delivered by a member of our Mission and Justice Ministry to the Arlington Food Pantry.
  • The Evening Bible Group met March 2 to study the lectionary readings for March 13: Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7, Psalm 32, Romans 5:12-19 and Matthew 4:1-11.
  • We celebrated African-American History Month February 27th with a trip after church to the Museum of Science for their Race: Are We So Different exhibit.
  • Community Supported Agriculture of Arlington held its 2011 Farm Share Fair at the church on February 24, a great way to introduce children to the idea of locally-grown produce and the value of preserving local farm land.
  • We collected basic personal items and toiletries on February 6 and 13 for the Somerville Homeless Coalition to distribute to the people it serves. The SHC provides services, support, resources and housing for hundreds of poor or homeless men, women, and children in Somerville and surrounding towns such as Arlington.
  • Listen to Tom Putnam on the radio show The Take Away announce a monumental event: The publication of the entire JFK Library archive in digital form. And remember the tour of the archive he gave us last year. And Debbie Douglas was interviewed by the American Airlines in-flight magazine about the Polaroid collection she curated at the MIT Museum.
  • See the deacons and their ministries for 2011. Please welcome our new deacons Norma Allen, Tim Durning, Betty Rich and Josh Young, and thank deacons Hong Chin, Anita Malone Clarke, Doug Record and Mike Rich whose terms have ended.
  • The New England Center for Homeless Veterans sent a nice note to the church for participating in their Adopt-A-Vet program providing gifts to veterans over the holiday.
  • The Somerville Homeless Coalition has reached its goal of $20,000, which an anonymous donor has agreed to match, to keep open its adult shelter in Davis Square. The Mission and Justice ministry contributed $700 to this welcome outcome.



  • See pictures and a program from the annual holiday concert by the PACC Festival and Youth Choirs on December 6, including selections from Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, part of the PACC Concert Series for the benefit of the music program.
  • Our annual Holiday Fair took place November 13 and 14, included a lasagna dinner on Friday night and a soup-and-sandwich luncheon Saturday noon, and an interesting assortment of gifts, crafts and yummy baked goods.
  • See pictures and a program from a concert by Judith Braude, flute, and Jeffrey Brody, piano, to benefit the music program on Sunday, November 1, as part of the PACC Concert Series.
  • See pictures from Regathering Sunday on September 13.
  • See pictures of the recent PACC Men trip to Arlington’s Great Meadows from Keith Truesdale.
  • Members of Sarah’s Circle are reading Kate Mosse’s novel, Sepulchre, a follow-up to Labyrinth, which the group discussed previously. They will meet in the Fireplace Room from 10 a.m. until 12 noon on Saturday, August 8. All women are welcome to attend. Those who wish to meditate may come at 9:30. If you have questions, contact the office.
  • See pictures from An Afternoon of Song by Janice Edwards, mezzo soprano, Jeffrey Brody, piano, and Meegan Gagnon, soprano, on the PACC Concert Series.
  • See pictures from the Piano Four Hands concert by Margaret Cheng Tuttle and Yilin You on the PACC Concert Series.
  • Jeffrey Brody‘s flute concerto will be premiered by Judith Braude and the Salem Philharmonic Orchestra on January 25, 2009. Jeffrey was awarded a grant to compose a concerto for flute and orchestra by the Brannen-Cooper Fund at Brannen Brothers Flutemakers in Woburn. The concerto was for Judith, and is the fifteenth composition by Jeffrey performed by the Salem Philharmonic. See a brief video excerpt of this performance.
  • The PACC-Men will begin to meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Odd numbered months will be for social activities and even numbered months for presentations. January will be an evening of board games. February will be an introduction to genealogy by Robert Willey. For more information contact Mike Rich.


  • See pictures from the Christmas Pageant during the December 14 service taken by Barbara Wagner.
  • See pictures from the Annual Christmas Concert by the PACC Festival Choir and Youth Choir. The concert was held on December 7 as part of the PACC concert series for the benefit of the music program.
  • See pictures from the PACC-Men’s recent trip to Americas Stonehenge.
  • Sarah’s Circle will meet December 13 from 10-noon to discuss Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy by Donald B. Kraybill, Steven M. Nolt, and David L. Weaver-Zercher. Contact Merrith Sabo-Jones or the church office for more information.
  • The church held a wonder Holiday Fair on November 7 and 8 that included everything from a cookie walk to photo taking to a big silent auction. Be sure to join us again next November.
  • The church had a successful Gala Auction on September 13 including items like tickets to the Red Sox, Repertory Theater, and Boston Symphony; furniture; antiques; the chance to be a character in Jeffrey Carver’s next science fiction novel; lesson in fly fishing, jelly making, voice, and photography; art; autographed sports items; Waterford crystal; and a behind the scenes tour for the MIT Museum.
  • The church celebrated a successful Regathering Sunday on September 7, followed by a pot-luck luncheon and a Post Office auction of gifts sent from all over the globe and from around the United States by church members during their summer travel.
  • Our music director, Jeffrey Brody, will conduct the Paul Madore Chorale on July 7 in a concert of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and Rossini’s Stabat Mater complete with orchestra. This is one of the “summer sing” concerts, and anyone interested in singing is welcome to show up and sing.
  • See pictures of church members at the Boston Pride Parade on June 14.
  • Marilyn McCoy joined the church on May 25, and Dick Schober and John Cavicchia, our former organist and choir director, ran into each other at Dick’s granddaughter’s graduation ceremony on May 16.
  • See pictures from Confirmation Sunday on May 18.
  • We had a very successful craft fair at the church on May 10. Mark your calendar for May 2009 to avoid missing the fun next year!
  • See pictures from the one-year anniversary of the church’s decision to become an Open and Affirming congregation celebrated during coffee hour after church on May 4.
  • See pictures and a program from the Longwood Opera‘s performance of Broadway Meets Opera on May 4, the final concert of the 2007-2008 season of the PACC Concert Series. Be sure see plans for the 2008-2009 season.
  • See pictures of a happy bunch of people at the coffee hour on New Member Sunday on April 27.
  • We had a very successful annual rummage sale on April 26. Be sure to watch for the sale at the end of April next year and learn why it is such a favorite event among our faithful customers!
  • See photos from the Easter Sunday service and coffee hour.
  • Easter events this year will include a Palm Sunday pancake breakfast, a Maundy Thursday service, and an Easter morning service (including a sun rise service and an Easter egg hunt). See the new church calendar for information on coming events.
  • If you want to know more about the church, you can talk with the Pastor and Deacons about this community of faith and what it means to be a member at a gathering in the Fireplace Room after church on Palm Sunday, March 16. There will also be an opportunity to share stories of our faith journeys at a Continental breakfast on Saturday, April 5, beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the Fireplace Room. Contact the church office for more information.
  • The new Council of Deacons has been elected, organized, and is looking for volunteers.
  • The Arlington Advocate had a wonderful article on English country dancing at Park Avenue Congregational Church.
  • The Sanford Dole Ensemble performed “O Fairest Love Divine” by Jeffrey Brody, our music director, on February 17!
  • Sarah’s Circle is kicking off a new season on February 2.
  • The Rev. Imani-Sheila Newsome-Camara of Boston University School of Theology and Kantigi Kwabena Camara of Northeastern University will speak at a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Birthday celebration on January 21 at 7:30pm at Robbins Memorial Town Hall in Arlington. For more information, call 781-643-4345.
  • Megan Ladd will speak on “Transgender Hospitality and the Church” at Pleasant Street Congregational Church on January 13 at 11:30am. PSCC says, “What can we do, in church and in society, to be welcoming and hospitable to folks who are transgender? This question arose during Pleasant Street Church’s ONA process, and we committed to continuing the conversation beyond our ONA vote. We are thrilled to welcome Megan Ladd as our guest speaker for this conversation. Megan is a male-to-female transexual who began her transition five years ago and had surgery two years ago. She is a member of First Parish Unitarian Universalist in Lexington. She will share the story of her transition, speak about church hospitality practices that have been meaningful to her, and answer our questions.”
  • Jeffrey Brody, our music director, will conduct the world premiere of his latest work, “At the Movies!” with the Salem Philharmonic Orchestra on January 27 at 3:30pm. The work is a suite for orchestra in five movements: “The five movements of this collection fill the traditional role of film scoring with the traditional ‘Opening Credits’ and ‘Closing Credits’ movements serving as bookends for other specific scenes, ‘Paranoia,’ ‘Love Scene,’ and ‘Peace of the Celestial City.'” This is the eighth season in a row in which the orchestra has performed or premiered one or two of Jeffrey’s works!


  • The PACC Festival Choir, led by Music Director Jeffrey Brody, performed a magnificent Christmas concert on December 2. The program “The Mystery of Christmas” featured soloists, small ensembles, full chorus, and instrumental music. For more information of a CD of the concert, contact the church office at 781-643-8680.
  • Coming events include the final meeting of “Living the Question” on November 27, the annual Hanging of the Greens in the sanctuary on December 1, the annual Christmas Concert on December 2, The women’s guild Holiday program on December 4 with our Reverend Bill Albright as the guest speaker, a trip to see the Living Nativity at Overlook Farm on December 8, the PACC Men men’s group will hold a book reading on December 11, a Christmas Pageant on December 16, and Christmas Eve worship on December 24. Theology for Families will restart January 4. The Annual Meeting will be January 27. Whew. Contact the church office at 781-643-8680 for more information.
  • The Reverend Tom Howard was our guest preacher on November 25, when he spoke on the need to put an effort into giving thanks.
  • Coming events on the church calendar include a meeting of the evening Bible study group on Wednesday, November 28, at 7:30, another meeting of the “Living the Questions” study group designed for progressive, thinking Christians on Tuesday, November 27, at 6:30, and the Women’s coffee on Thursday, November 29, at 10am. Call the church office for more information. Recently, Sandy Sherburn and Mike Rich lead a discussion of social justice issues at the November 18 meeting of the PACC-Men, the PACC men’s group, and of how the group might work for some of them.
  • The church took a dramatic step forward by electing fifteen members from within the congregation as the new Council of Deacons. These men and women have been called by the congregation and asked to lead us through the first few years of our church’s new governing organization. Please welcome Deacons Valerie Censabella, Hong Chin, Anita Clarke, Don Cohn, Linda Cohn, Connie Dugan, Tim Durning, Karen Friedman, Jill Lewis, Beverly Miller, Doug Record, Mike Rich, Sandy Sherburne, Jeff Steinheider, and Barbara Wagner.
  • The PACC Holiday Fair demonstrated once again that it is a happy and exciting way to start the fall seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas on November 9 and 10. Beginning with a lasagna dinner on Friday night and ending with the winners of the silent auction on Saturday afternoon, the Holiday Fair was a busy place where residents of surrounding towns were able to find everything from books to baked goods to clothing to many other fine, hand-made crafts. If you missed this year, remember next year coming in early November.
  • The PACC Concert Series opened this year’s season with Vox Lucens, an a cappella chamber choir performing early music, on November 4. For more information about the rest of the series, see our concert schedule, or contact the church office at 781-643-8680.
  • Jeffrey Brody, our director of music, will be conducting the Longwood Opera in Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss on November 2, 3, and 4, with the November 4 performance in Arlington at the Regent Theater.
  • Members of PACC are attending a four-part course at Pleasant Street Congregational Church titled “Living the Questions” for progressive, thinking Christians, featuring premier religion voices of our day. Meetings begin at 6:30pm with a potluck supper on October 23 and November 13 and 27. Members of PACC recently traveled to Weston on October 21 to hear the renowned Reverend Barbara Brown Taylor lecture on “Sabbath Resistance: Treasures Left Lying in the Field.”
  • Attorney Mike Rich presented a program on spirituality and the law, with a focus on restorative justice, to the church men’s group known as the PACC-Men.
  • On October 14, at a special congregational meeting, our congregation took an important step towards our future. We approved a plan to change the governance and committee structure that served us well in our first hundred years to one more in line with the size and needs of our 21st century congregation. Under this new plan, the governing body of the congregation will be the Council of Deacons, which will consist of fifteen members elected by the whole congregation. Submit your ballot before the November 5 deadline!
  • The church celebrated Regathering Sunday on September 9, our first Sunday back together after the doldrums of summer. We learned, however, that this summer was one of our most vibrant in recent memory: Average attendance over the summer was 60 members each Sunday, a 14% increase over 2006, and the highest in at least a decade.
  • Betty Rich has provided pictures of the Labor Day Picnic and the Arlington Town Day booth.
  • With the passing of the Labor Day weekend, the church office has returned to normal office hours: 8:30a.m. to 12:30p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • We’ve made contact with John Cavicchia, one of our former music directors, who is now on the faculty at the Western New England College in Springfield. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of our history of music directors to read about John today.
  • Jeffrey Brody, our Music Director, conducted Verdis Manzoni Requiem on Monday, August 6, as part of The Paul Madore Chorale 2007 SummerSing in Salem.
  • See pictures from the UCC General Synod and Synod in the City held during the weekend of June 23-24 in Hartford celebrating the 50th anniversary of the UCC. Several church members attended. Music composed by our own Jeffrey Brody was performed during services Friday evening and Sunday afternoon.
  • Ruth Lavash gives us these pictures of the original church building and the construction of the current church in the 1960s.
  • We held our annual picnic around the swimming pool of the Lexington Christian Academy on June 17, and you can see plenty of pictures of the fun.
  • The congregation declared itself to be an Open and Affirming congregation at a congregational meeting on May 6. The text of the declaration can be seen below.
  • We welcomed Jeffrey Brody as our new Music Director and Organist on Easter morning. On the morning of his formal installation, Jeff honored us with the performance of his own music composed for the occasion. Jeff continues the long tradition of talented music directors at PACC.