Christian Education
Sunday school
Youth Sunday is June 10! Our theme this year is “Making a Difference”. This comes from our Sunday school lessons this spring about speaking out about injustice and trying to change unfair rules.
We’ll only have one rehearsal with everyone on Saturday, June 9, from 9:30am-11:00 am in the sanctuary. Please make every effort to come for at least part of the rehearsal, particularly if you have a speaking part. Younger children and youth without speaking parts can just come for the first 30 minutes so we can run through the music together and everyone can see where they’ll be sitting and what the service will look like.
During the rehearsal, we’ll also pot the flowers that we’ll distribute to the congregation at the end of the service. It would be great if a couple of people could help with this. We’ll have the flowers, potting soil and cups all ready. Please let Kate know if you’re available to help.
Our last day of regular Sunday school will be on Sunday, June 17. After that, we’ll move into our Sunday school schedule of one multi-age class. Summer Sunday school is fun and relaxed with popsicles for snack and air conditioning for hot days! We’ll continue to use the Shine curriculum for a multi-age group.
Saturday, July 14, from noon – 4 pm
Lexington Christian Academy, 48 Bartlett Ave in Lexington
The CE ministry will provide hot dogs, drinks, and chips. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. There’s a pool and tennis courts, so bring your bathing suit and towel and/or a tennis racquet and balls if you’d like to play. A small kiddie pool for younger children in swim diapers will be set-up as well. There is plenty of shade to sit in near the pool. Bring a game or puzzle to share if you’d like. There’s also a ball field if anyone would like to organize a softball or whiffle ball game. We hope to see you there!