Small Talk
May 2017
Ecclesiastes, the Preacher, wrote, “To everything there is a season”. With great respect to the Preacher, as I compose this in April, I’m reminded that seasons sometimes overlap. What richness surrounds us when we find ourselves in the midst of having options. Notice the similarity between the words option and opportunity!
I like sports, and this week, there are plenty of options for me I can watch professional baseball, hockey, and basketball and I can watch more than one game at a time. Of course, while I can cheer or moan, when it comes to this analogy, I only can be an observer.
What if we take that imagery and think about it in relation to the Church and to this church?
First, this is the season of resurrection! The Creator-Redeemer-Comforter surrounds us with hope and commissions us to carry the message and mission of the Christ into the world.
It’s a growing and renewing time. Amid these wonders and gifts, people who are beloved by God continue to wrestle with fear, pain, and injustice. The Divine calls us, you and me, here and now to think, to talk, and to take action that helps bring about the realm of justice and peace. That is the cost and joy of discipleship and we have to be in the game.
Right here at PACC, it’s the season of Search and Call. The work of the Search Committee is at the forefront of this season. For the eight members of that team, it’s a high energy, deep investment, hands-on, hearts-in time for them. Remember that they are discerning
This also is a season for continuing the conversations of the interim time: who are we, who is God calling us to be, and who is our neighbor? You have done much good work. There still are options and opportunities to explore and to expand as you live into and out of those conversations. Ask questions, brainstorm, and invest in vision and dreams.
This is your time at bat, on the free-throw line, and at center ice! I’m cheering you on.
The Reverend Jill H. Small