Mission and Justice

Mission and Justice

April 2017

One Great Hour of Sharing

One Great Hour of Sharing® is the Lenten Offering of the United Church of Christ that supports disaster, refugee, and development actions. We will be dedicating our OGHS offering on Sunday, March 26, but please continue to make your donations through the month of April.

This year’s theme is “You are here.”

Chapter 25 verse 40 of the Gospel according to the school of Matthew says, “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” When you give through OGHS to those who suffer from natural disasters, war, or systemic poverty, you let them know.

For more information see the enclosed flyer around and check out the UCC OGHS Facebook page [here www.facebook.com/onegreathourofsharingucc/] and see www.ucc.org/oghs


We will be collecting non-perishable food items and household goods for the Arlington Food Pantry on Sunday, April 2nd. Visit arlingtonfoodpantry.org for the list of needed and “high need” items. THANKS to Kate Lindheim for bringing our donated items to the AFP each month. If you are interested in helping, periodically or regularly, talk to the church office.

Walk for Affordable Housing

The Housing Corporation of Arlington’s 16th Annual Walk for Affordable Housing will be on Sunday, April 30, 2017 from 1:00-3:00 pm. Starting and ending at the Jason Russell House on the corner of Jason St. and Mass. Ave. This is a 3-mile walk down Mass. Ave and back and raises funds and awareness for affordable housing in Arlington. More details at www.housingcorparlington.org. Talk to the church office if you would like to organize a PACC walking team or staff a water or snack table.

49th Annual Walk for Hunger On Sunday, May 7, we’ll have a team of walkers for Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger. 20 MILES TO END HUNGER. The 49th Walk for Hunger & 5K Run is an annual community movement of neighbors helping neighbors across the Commonwealth. Since its inception in 1969, the Walk for Hunger has raised more than $100 million to support local programs that alleviate hunger.

This year, more than 300 local programs in more than 100 Massachusetts communities will be supported through money raised by Walkers (and runners!) including: food pantries, meal programs, food rescue, urban agriculture, and critical child nutrition programs. Your Walk makes it possible.

Learn more http://www.projectbread.org/walk-for-hunger/about-walk-for-hunger.html See Jill Lewis or Kate Lindheim to walk with or donate to the PACC Team.


On Sunday, May 7th, we will be celebrating the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of PACC having covenanted with the Open and Affirming Coalition of the UCC to become an OPEN AND AFFIRMING (ONA) Congregation.

Tri-Conference Annual Meeting

Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18 Be part of UCC history! This year the Mass. Conference UCC Annual Meeting is an historic Tri Conference meeting. As the Mass., Rhode Island and Connecticut Conferences are discerning whether to merge into a single Conference, they are holding a combined Annual Meeting held in Hartford on Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18.

There are major events planned for Friday afternoon and evening. Here is the link to the main page: http://www.macucc.org/eventdetail/6345699.

PACC’s Council of Deacons and Finance Working Group have indicated there may be possibilities for financial assistance for registration fees and lodging for PACCers who want to attend as delegates or guests. Talk to the church office if you want to apply.

Author: Mark Tuttle

Husband, father, web master