March 20, Palm Sunday
- 8:30 a.m. Pancake Breakfast hosted and served by PACC youth; all welcome!
- 10:00 a.m. Worship commemorating Jesus entry into Jerusalem, including a procession of palms by church school children and others
March 24, Maundy Thursday and Tenebrae Service
- 7:30 p.m. Commemorating Jesus’ last evening with his disciples, we will share Holy Communion, followed by the Service of Tenebrae (shadows) which comprises lessons accompanied by the gradual extinguishing of light. Traditionally, worshippers leave in silence.
- Those who wish to walk the labyrinth quietly in the Narthex following Tenebrae may do so.
March 25, Good Friday: Ecumenical Worship and Labyrinth
- 12:00 noon Ecumenical service of the Last Seven Words of Jesus. This service will be held at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 74 Pleasant St in Arlington. Child care will be provided; please contact Jill Small ( or 781-643-8682) if you plan to use childcare.
- 3:00–9:00 p.m. Walking the Labyrinth is a personal, spiritual devotion. Open to the entire community! FOR CHILDREN: from 3-5 p.m. we’ll also have ‘finger labyrinths’ and labyrinths to color to help introduce this ancient yet modern spiritual practice to youngsters.
March 27, Easter Sunday
- 6:30 AM Community Sunrise Service led by Park Avenue Congregational Church and Calvary Church United Methodist. Robbins Farm Park, 61 Eastern Avenue, Arlington.
- 10:00 a.m. The Festival of the Resurrection Brass will join our organ and Festival Choir. There are no Church School classes, but childcare will be provided for those up to age 5. Older children will receive activity bags. Immediately following worship, there will be an Easter egg hunt on the lower lawn behind the church. In case of rain or snow, the Easter egg hunt will move indoors to the Fellowship Room.