Christian Education

Christian Education

March 2016

Sunday school

This spring, our Sunday school theme is God’s Good News.  We continue to learn the stories of Jesus through Lent and Easter.  After Easter, we concentrate on stories of biblical shalom, peace with ourselves, with creation, with others and with God.  Calendars with dates we’ll be learning different stories and ideas for activities and discussion at home are available on the narthex table.

On March 20, Palm Sunday, come eat pancakes with us before church!  Children will be distributing palms in church and then we’ll go to Sunday school to learn about the events of Holy Week through a series of skits and stories and a special snack.

There is no Sunday school on Easter, but we’ll have childcare available for young children, activity bags for children in the service and an Easter Egg hunt in the garden after the service.


The confirmation group will gather on March 13 from 6:30–8:30 in the Fireplace room to share pizza and

learn about UCC history.  Did you know the first American woman ordained into Christian ministry was a part of what became the UCC?  We’re a denomination of many firsts.  Mentors are welcome to join in!  Also mark your calendars for April 24 (6:30-8:00 pm) and May 1 after church to come together as a group to talk about Confirmation Sunday (May 15) and to tie up any loose ends.

Youth Group

We’ll host and serve the Palm Sunday pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 20.  Please come to Parish Hall at
8 am to help set up and get ready to serve breakfast.

Middle school youth group Sunday schedule

  • March 6—Communion Sunday
  • March 13—we’ll be learning about the last supper and getting ready for our Holy Week skits
  • March 20—Palm Sunday pancake breakfast/ Holy Week workshop
  • March 27—Easter


Author: Mark Tuttle

Husband, father, web master