Mission and Justice Matters
February 2016
We have begun receiving “Thank you” notes for our year-end contributions: Arlington Boys & Girls Club, from the Executive Director and the Treasurer; Arlington Food Pantry, from the Director; Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, from the Executive Director; City Mission Society, from the Executive Director; Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries and a Membership Certificate, from the Executive Director; International Institute of New England, from the President & CEO; LGBT Asylum Support Task Force, a card from the Executive Director; MLK Jr Birthday Observance Committee, from the Chair; One Can Help, from the Board of Directors; Somerville Homeless Coalition, from the Director of Development. These are posted on the bulletin boards in Parish Hall.
In January we sent the Mass. Conference UCC $1,433.00 from our UCC Christmas Fund collections during Advent as well as $20 that came in for Neighbors in Need and $10 that came in for One Great Hour of Sharing after those items were submitted last year.
On Monday, the 18th, Kate Lindheim, Jill Lewis, Mike Rich and Betty Rich helped sort clothing donations at Solutions for Work as part of City Mission Society’s MLK Day of Service.
Arlington held its 28th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Observance at Town Hall in the evening. The program honored the people and program of Arlington’s 50 years of METCO participation.
On the evening of Tuesday, the 19th, and again on the afternoon of Sunday, the 31st, several of us gathered in PACC’s Fellowship Room to discuss Debby Irving’s book Waking Up White.
On Sunday, the 24th, Kate Lindheim, Jill Small, Mike Rich and Betty Rich went to “A Conversation with Debby Irving” at Crawford Memorial United Methodist Church in Winchester. Ms. Irving presented an interesting supplement to her book Waking Up White.
Ongoing Outreach
Arlington Food Pantry (AFP)
We will be collecting non-perishable food items and household goods for the AFP on February 7th. Visit www.facebook.com/foodpantryarlington or arlingtonfoodpantry.org. For “How to Register to Receive Food from the Arlington Food Pantry” visit arlingtonfoodpantry.org. THANKS to PACC member and AFP’s outgoing Acting Director, Erin Buchner for delivering out donations this past year. We need a new coordinator who can post reminders the week before and count and deliver to the Broadway AFP location on Food Sunday
Nationally – The Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, Massachusetts Conference Minister & President urges us to “Bring the Water of Relief and of Justice to Flint” in a joint letter with the Rhode Island and Connecticut Conference Ministers, which may be found here: http://www.macucc.org/newsdetail/bring-the-water-of-relief-and-of-justice-to-flint-3759224
Community Supper for the Homeless
Monday, February 22 is our week to provide the meal for the Community Supper at First Church Somerville. They have been serving more people and have asked us to scale our portions up a little bit, for 20-25 people. Any food left over will be sent to the shelter across the street. We need a main dish, salad with dressing, bread, half and half, drinks (some sugar free) and dessert (sugar free) or fruit. There are two volunteers who serve every week, so we don’t need to serve, but we can help serve at the meal if anyone would like to do that.
I can deliver the meal, so you can bring food to church or coordinate a pick up/drop off with me.
A big thank you to Erin Buchner who has been our meal coordinator! Erin has filled me in on all the details and we will continue to provide meals on the fourth Monday of each month. If you’d like to provide food, help serve, or help coordinate, please speak to Kate Lindheim. Thanks!