Christian Education News
February 2016
Youth Villages
We have been providing one of the dorms at Youth Villages (Germaine Lawrence) with a monthly birthday bag. The bag contains cake mix, frosting, party decorations, paper goods and birthday cards. We provide enough cake supplies for the entire dorm, about 20 girls, and birthday cards for the girls celebrating birthdays that month. There is a blue bucket in the narthex to collect the items needed for the birthday bags. If you’d like to donate any birthday items or any gently used books from picture books to young adult for the girls at Youth Villages, please just put them in the bucket. Thanks! If you have any questions, please speak to Kate Lindheim.
Sunday School
There will be no regular Sunday school on Sunday, February 14. We’ll gather together in a multi age group to learn about Lent and stories Jesus told about a shepherd looking for lost sheep and a woman looking for a lost coin.
Middle school youth group
February 21—we’ll be making cupcakes for the Somerville community supper
February 28—we’ll be making birthday cards and putting together a birthday bag for Youth Villages.