Three mantras to shape your day by Reverend John Zehring


Three mantras to shape your day

Reverend John Zehring
April 21, 2015

Good morning, Park Avenue Congregation!  This Sunday’s message is “Three mantras to shape your day” to guide us to a deeper and richer relationship with the Divine.  For the Children’s Corner, Jeffrey Brody will pull out all the stops and demonstrate for the children some of the organ’s magnificent capabilities and share what goes on behind the screen.  New members will join Park Avenue Congregation Church during the service.  Here is a tune from the red hymnal #257 to be humming to yourself as you prepare yourself spiritually for our next worship together:

This is the day, this is the day
That our God has made, that our God has made;
We will rejoice, we will rejoice and
Be glad in it, and be glad in it.
This is the day that our God has made,
We will rejoice and be glad in it;
This is the day, this is the day
That our God has made.

I look forward to our being together again on Sunday.

Rev. John

Author: Mark Tuttle

Husband, father, web master