The Shout Heard ‘Round the World
April 19, 2015
On April 19, is a bike ride that is being organized by faith communities along Paul Revere’s route to sound the alarm about climate change. A biker will start in Charlestown at 10:30 a.m. and stop at participating faith communities along the way to pick up riders. The ride will end at First Parish in Concord. There are stops at First Parish UU in Arlington (at about 11:00) and Follen Church in Lexington (at about 11:30) Would anyone like to join the ride? Let us know and we can give you more details. The ride will be passing through Arlington Heights on Mass Ave shortly after 11. It would be great to have a group from PACC walk down to cheer the ride on. If you’d like to join in the PACC cheering section or join the ride, please the church office. Thanks!