Mission and Justice
We believe we are members of a local and global community and are called to put our faith in action.
Please click here for the latest happenings with our Mission and Justice Group.
In our local community:
- Our Mission and Justice ministry supports many programs in the area, and we received nice letters of thanks — describing the good work these organizations do — from
- Arlington Board of Youth Services and Housing Authority
- Arlington Eats
- Arlington Food Pantry
- Arlington Food Pantry
- A Bed for Every Child
- Church World Service
- City Mission
- International Institute of New England
- LGBT Asylum Task Force Ministry
- Mystic LGBTQ+ Youth Support Network
- New England Center and Home for Veterans
- One Can Help
- Partners in Health
- Somerville Homeless Coalition
- Massachusetts Conference, United Church of Christ
- We support the Arlington Food Pantry with monthly collections of food and monetary contributions.
- We support the Housing Corporation of Arlington by walking for affordable housing, planting a garden at Capitol Square Apartments, and helping fund a lift to make an affordable property accessible.
- We serve community meals with the Somerville Homeless Coalition.
- We collect school supplies for homeless children and baby clothes for struggling parents with the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless.
- We buy Christmas gifts for families in need through Arlington’s Holiday Helpers.
- We worked with other Arlington churches and
- promoted community safety by organizing a gun buy-back event, and
- funded lunches for school children during vacation and summer with Arlington EATS!
- We provide monetary support for other local organizations.
In our global community:
- We give to our denomination’s efforts to support justice initiatives, eradicate poverty, raise educational levels, encourage development and provide refugee and disaster relief around the world.
- We have embarked on a “Green Church” campaign to reduce our carbon footprint.
- We’ve sent our youth group on a mission trip to the Adirondacks.
We are an Open and Affirming (ONA) congregation and affirm the dignity and worth of every person including gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered individuals. We take to heart the UCC message:
“No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!”