Click here to be added to our e-mail distribution to find out about our current Sunday school and Christian education offerings.
Christian Education
We nurture our growth as Christians through our education programs for all ages. It is our goal to offer diverse educational programs that deepen our understanding of our Christian heritage, nurture spiritual growth, and encourage dialogue. Our Christian Education Director works with our Christian Education Ministry to provide a variety of educational opportunities for adults and to plan and staff our Sunday school.
Children’s Programs
Children are an important part of PACC. Children and infants of all ages are welcome to stay for the whole service – we are used to the joyful noise of babies and kids adding to worship! We also offer nursery care for children up to age two during our Sunday morning worship service and Sunday school for older children. We encourage you to do what feels best for your family!
Except for first Sundays, the first 15 minutes of the worship service include an All Ages Together children’s time with the pastor. Afterwards, children are invited to attend Sunday School. On the first Sunday of the month, children begin the morning in Sunday school downstairs and join the congregation for communion at the end of worship.
During the school year we meet in age-appropriate classes; during the summer we meet in two multi-age classes, one for younger children and one for older children. As part of Sunday school children participate in service and mission projects, art, and music on a regular basis.
We encourage children to be part of our church community in a number of ways. Youth choir, for children in third grade and up, sings monthly in worship during the school year. In December, children participate in our Christmas Pageant. In June, the children participate in our Children’s Sunday worship service. Throughout the year, children are invited to participate in the worship service by serving as acolytes, greeters, ushers, and liturgists.
We offer a confirmation class approximately every other year for youth in seventh grade and up who are ready to affirm their baptismal vows and start taking ownership of their faith.
Youth Groups
Youth Group is a mix of service projects, prayer, and fellowship. We learn more about our faith through these activities.
Adult Education
Bible Study
Bible study focuses on the scripture for the coming Sunday’s sermon, including taking a look at the biblical and cultural context, asking questions and sharing insights, and laughing a lot. If you’d like to learn more about the Bible or just get an in-depth understanding of the sermon, Bible study is for you! Whether you know the Bible forwards and backwards or not at all, we’d love to have you join us.
We meet on the first and third Wednesdays from 7pm- 8:30pm on Zoom. Please sign up for our newsletter to get the Zoom information.
Sarah’s Circle
Sarah’s Circle is a non-doctrinal women’s only book group to read and discuss books about spirituality, with a focus on feminine spirituality. It is open to all women in the community. Contact Merrith Sabo-Jones for more information.
Lenten Study Series
During Lent, we offer a six week study series on a particular theme, often including a book or film element. Past Lenten study series have covered topics like reclaiming evangelism, learning to pray, the climate crisis, The Chosen tv series, and Marcus Borg’s Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time. All are welcome, including those new to the faith, as well as long-term church-goers and friends. For more information, please click here and note that you would like to learn more.