PACC Youth Choir
Andrea Hart, director
PACC’s Youth Choir is a great place for young singers to enjoy making music together, while contributing to the rich musical and spiritual life of the Church. Children and youth in grade 4 and older are welcome to join the Youth Choir, and newcomers are welcome to come and “try it out” during any regular rehearsal time. It is a lively and fun group! (Children younger than grade 4 have opportunities to sing and learn together in music sessions — once or twice monthly — during their Sunday School classes.)
The Youth Choir rehearses on Sundays at 11:45am, after Church and Sunday School, and the group performs in church services on the third Sunday of every month from September through June. During rehearsals, we have a brief snack and visiting time, then we warm up our voices and our listening ears, and sing pieces we are working on, building a diverse repertoire of songs. We sing many types of music, including music of classical and contemporary composers, folk songs, rounds, and spirituals, in unison, two- and three part harmony. It is impressive how quickly these young people learn to make a beautiful sound together! The Youth Choir regularly performs as part of the PACC Christmas Concert, Christmas Pageant, and Youth Sunday Service, all annual events at PACC.