Lenten Study Series

Lenten Study Series

Wednesdays at 7:30-9pm, Feb. 14 – March 28, 2018 – Fellowship room

Give your spiritual life a jumpstart! Over the six weeks of Lent we’ll read Martha Grace Reese’s Unbinding Your Heart and work through the accompanying reflections. Built on the premise that we can’t grow the church without first attending to our own relationship with God, Unbinding Your Heart will help us grow closer to God and each other while learning how to talk about our faith. Leave your preconceptions at the door and join us on a surprising journey to a deeper faith and a more vibrant church!

Copies can be bought through the church for $15 thanks to a group discount from the Book Rack. To reserve your copy, email the church office or sign the sheet in the narthex. Payment will be due and books available for pick up on Sunday Feb. 11.

Author: Mark Tuttle

Husband, father, web master