Mission and Justice
November 2017
Mission and Justice Matters
Please join the Mission and Justice Working Group when we meet to decide how to distribute our annual support funds. This is a great time to learn about our mission partners, advocate for programs you would like us to support, and share some fellowship time. Go to this link to fill in when you can participate doodle.com/poll/vynxn4ny2vsvhbnf .
Somerville Homeless Coalition
It’s our turn to provide the meal on Monday, November 27. We’ll need 2 gallons (8 liters) of drinks (some sugar free), a quart of half and half, 25 pieces of bread or rolls, some fresh fruit, a main dish and a salad. Look for an email on the Chat list with a link to a recipe for the main dish and all the details. I’ve got disposable pans for the main dish and the salad. Food can be dropped off at church on Sunday, November 26 or we can coordinate a drop off time. Please speak to Kate Lindheim if you have any questions or would like to donate any items. Thank you!
Learn about the Coalition at www.somervillehomelesscoalition.org.
Neighbors in Need
As of October 8, we had already collected $1,150.00 for Neighbors in Need. Thank you for your generosity toward the special mission offering of the UCC that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States.
Church World Service
In addition to funding for hygiene, clean up, and school supply kits, we raised $585.00 for Disaster Relief between September 1 and October 8. Thanks to Cindy Manson for spearheading those drives. Remember that when there has been a disaster, “recovery is a marathon not a sprint” (Good Shepherd UCC, Metairie, LA, 2010). UCC Disaster Ministries and CWS plan to keep up this vital work long after the immediate needs are addressed.
Local Outreach
Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless
The Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless has announced a small-loan program called Axuda, offered by DCU Federal Credit Union. Axuda is a non-profit organization working to provide small, short-term interest-free loans to individuals and families that need a helping hand. Axuda provides a forum for borrowers to tell their stories and have their loan request crowd-lended by several Axuda lenders. Once an Axuda loan is repaid, the funds are used again to lend to other Axuda borrowers. Check out Axuda’s website here www.axuda.org
Arlington Food Pantry
We will be collecting non-perishable food items and household goods for the Arlington Food Pantry on Sunday, November 5.
The Arlington Food Pantry is experiencing an increase in people coming in for food and there’s an urgent need for breakfast cereal. If you include a box or more of cereal for the pantry this month, it would be appreciated.
Visit arlingtonfoodpantry.org for the list of needed and “high need” items.
THANKS to Kate Lindheim for bringing our donated items to the AFP each month. If you are interested in helping, periodically or regularly, talk to Kate, Mike Rich or Jill Lewis.
Neighbors Eating All Together
Our next NEAT (Neighbors Eating All Together) dinner will be on Saturday, November 18, from 5-6 pm. NEAT is a monthly dinner, on the third Saturday of every month from 5-6 pm at St. John’s Church (74 Pleasant St) in Arlington. These community dinners are free of charge and are open to everyone. We’re looking for volunteers to help set up, plate food in the kitchen, serve people and help clean up. Look for an email with more details. If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please speak to Kate Lindheim.
Thanksgiving Outreach for Veterans
As we approach Thanksgiving, please help the Veterans being served by New England Center and Home for Veterans (NECHV) in Boston have something to be thankful for. NECHV serves over 1,000 Veterans annually, with needs that extend beyond the holiday season. Please purchase or donate funds for us to purchase gift cards for the vets by November 19.
If donating by check, make out to PACC, with Veterans in memo line.
NECHV recommends the following retailers:
- Major Pharmacies (CVS, Walgreens, etc.)
- Supermarkets (Stop and Shop, Roche Brothers, Star Market, etc.)
- Major Clothing Retailers (TJ Maxx/Marshalls, Target, Macy’s, etc.)
- T-Passes (set value amount; no weekly/monthly/yearly passes)
See nechv.org for more information about NECHV
As we approach Advent, please keep in mind City Mission Society Christmas Shops and Arlington Adopt-a-Family in early December, Germaine Lawrence / Youth Villages gifts in mid-December, and the UCC Christmas Fund on Christmas Eve.
In the Wider Church
Check out the UCC blog at newsacred.org, with titles such as Seeing God where you least expect it, You too, and How the starbucks red cup controversy guy might just be right, written by our very own Pastor Leah!
Mass. Conference UCC news can be found at www.macucc.org