Greetings from Pastor Leah
September 2017
Hello Park Avenue!
It’s truly a delight to be writing this first newsletter note as your new pastor.
First, I have a word of thanks. My husband Chris, daughter Davie and I moved in towards the end of August and have felt so welcomed by everyone at PACC. From the property committee who made sure the parsonage was in tip-top shape, to the search committee who stocked the fridge with delicious food, to the people who cheerfully volunteered to help unload our moving truck, we have felt so uplifted by your thoughtfulness and care. Chris and I joked that if you have to move, you should move with PACC on the receiving end – what a great experience! I’m looking forward to seeing you all in the next few weeks to say “thanks” in person.
Next, I want to let you all know that after leading worship on August 27, I will be out of town the first weekend of September (Labor Day weekend) for the wedding of close friends. Then I’ll be in the office full time starting on Tuesday, September 5 and will be leading worship regularly starting on Sunday, September 10 for Regathering Sunday. As we prepare to enter the new church year, I want to invite all of you to come celebrate being back together after our various summer adventures! We’ll share a potluck lunch after worship. I already know how well PACC does food, so don’t hesitate to invite a friend or a neighbor who’d like to enjoy worship and a delicious meal!
Finally, I want to ask you to watch for some news this fall. The church council and I will be working to organize ways for me to spend some quality time with you, the members of PACC, to hear what’s important to you; to listen to what excites you about the church’s future, and to start to dream together about where God is calling us.
With gratitude and excitement,