Christian Education
March 2017
Materials for observing Lent at home for children and adults will be available on the table in the narthex.
Sunday school
Our theme for this spring is God’s Good News. We’ll be learning stories about Jesus from Matthew and John and then after Easter, we’ll be learning stories that focus on peacemaking with an emphasis on God’s care for the most vulnerable. Calendars with the stories we’ll be learning in Sunday school and ideas for discussion and activities at home are on the table in the narthex and will be sent home with Sunday school families.
Middle school youth group
The middle school youth group meets during the worship service on Sunday mornings.
- March 5– stay in church for worship service and Communion
- March 12– we’ll be learning a story about how Jesus refused to cast stones & making memory rocks
- March 19– we’ll be making birthday cards for a dorm at Youth Villages/Germaine Lawrence
- March 26– we’ll be making dessert for the Somerville Community Supper
Evening youth group (7th grade and up)
We’ll reschedule our movie and pizza night with the North Prospect-Union youth group! Look for an email with details.
Community supper– March 27
We provide the meal for about 25 people for the Somerville Community Supper at First Church UCC in Somerville on the fourth Monday of every month. In March, that’s March 27. We have a main dish and a dessert, but we need:
- 4 liters (2 gallons) of drinks, including sugar free. Examples: seltzer, lemonade, iced tea
- vegetarian dish for 4-6
- bread
- salad and salad dressing
- fresh fruit
- quart of half and half
Please let me know if you can provide any of these items and I’ll give you disposable pans for the vegetarian dish and the salad. You can bring the food to church on March 26 or we can coordinate a drop off or pick up.