Mission and Justice
January 2017
Thank you for your generous contributions to our Advent outreach projects. We donated $325 to the New England Center for Homeless Veterans in time for Thanksgiving; filled Christmas wish lists for Arlington’s Adopt-A-Family and for Youth Villages’ Germaine Lawrence girls; sent gifts to the City Mission Society Christmas Shop; and collected money for the UCC Christmas Fund. (The Christmas Fund assists pastors, providing small annuity supplements, emergency grants, and Christmas ‘Thank You’ gift checks each December to low-income retirees.)
Following our annual spending meeting, PACC made donations to about a dozen local, national and international organizations. Funds for these gifts come from our annual Outreach Fund budget of $16,000.00, interest on the Hayes Fund (approximately $1,300.00) and from the Tremendous Hearts dissolution fund (approximately $500.00). Details will be in our Annual Report. Thanks for your generosity, interest and participation.
Arlington Food Pantry
On the first Sunday of each month, PACC collects non-perishable food items and household goods for the Arlington Food Pantry (AFP). For a list of recommended and high need items visit http://arlingtonfoodpantry.org. For distribution dates or to learn how to register to receive food see: arlingtonfoodpantry.org. We are also looking for regular or occasional volunteers to deliver the donations to the AFP. Info? Interested? Speak with Betty Rich.
Community Supper for the Homeless
On the fourth Monday of each month PACC provides dinner for the Somerville Homeless Coalition’s Community Supper. For Monday, January 23, we need:
- vegetarian chili for 6 people
- salad and salad dressing for 25 people
- bread for 25 people
- 2 liters of drinks (some sugar free)
- quart of half and half
- fresh fruit
Please let Kate know if you would like to provide any of the items. We have disposable pans for the chili and salad. Our next meal is February 27 and we hope to organize a group to make the dinner together in the church kitchen on February 26.
City Mission Society
There are two special events for youth and adults as part CMS’ Day of Learning “Courageous Conversations on Racism” on Saturday, January 14, 2017, 9 am to 1 pm, United Parish in Brookline, 210 Harvard St., Brookline, MA.
These intergenerational events are designed to empower participants with the tools to have brave conversations around the issues of race. Dr. King knew that it took courage for people to engage in dialogue that identifies the conditions that separate people from one another, and to identify the conditions that build understanding and unity. We invite you to join us for this event.
For ages 7-13 there are three options—arts and crafts, storytelling, and music. For ages 14 and up there are two workshops that will focus on the tools needed to have conversations about race and then a chance to practice using the skills and resources. The morning will conclude with a communal meal to deepen our learning of each other and the importance of anti-racism work.
The participation fee is $25 for adults and $10 for 7-18.
Arlington’s 29th annual MLK Birthday Observance
At Town Hall on Monday, January 16th. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. with light refreshments. The program begins at 7:30 p.m. This year the people and program of Arlington’s 50 years of METCO will be recognized. The guest speaker will be Tina Martin, award-winning television and radio anchor, host, and reporter for WGBH and regular contributor to the Huffington Post. (To learn more about Martin see: http://news.wgbh.org/people/tina-martin).
Music by Dr. Leslee Christopher, Soprano, and Paul White, Pianist. Non-perishable food items for the Arlington Food Pantry will be collected and a free-will offering to benefit public and non-profit programs that further the goals of Dr. King will be taken.