Christian Education

Christian Education

December 2016


Special materials for observing Advent at home are on the table in the narthex.

Sunday school

Our curriculum continues this winter with stories about Jesus’ birth followed by stories about Jesus from the Gospel of Mark. Calendars with stories we’re learning in Sunday school and ideas for activities and discussion at home will be sent home with Sunday school families and are also available in the narthex. • Our Christmas pageant, ‘Twas the Night Before, will be during the worship service on December 11. Our one and only rehearsal with everyone will be on December 10 from 9:30-11 in the sanctuary. Young children and kids without speaking parts can come for the first 30 minutes to try on costumes and sing the songs. • There will be one multi age class on December 25 and January 1.

Youth Group

We’ll sort gifts for City Mission on December 11 from 3-5 at First Church in Winchester (21 Church St.) We’ll meet at PACC at 2:45 and carpool over.  We’ll return to PACC at 5:15.  We’ll also bring fleece scarves that we’ll make during our Advent workshop on November 27 for City Mission to distribute with the new winter coats they give out. • On December 18, the middle school youth group will make the main dish for the Somerville community supper.

Somerville Community Supper

Our next dinner is on Monday, December 26.  If you’d like to look ahead to other dates, we provide a meal for 20-25 people at a community supper, organized by the Somerville Homeless Coalition, at First Church Somerville on the fourth Monday of every month.  Our next dates are January 23 and February 27. Let Kate Lindheim know if you are interested in helping.

Thank you!

Together we raised $244.36 for Trick or Treat for UNICEF.  Thank you!

Author: Mark Tuttle

Husband, father, web master