Mission and Justice

Mission and Justice

November 2016

PACC’s Mission and Justice Ministry is always looking for new volunteers. Several activities below need a coordinator. Please talk with Mike or Betty Rich.

Neighbors In Need Offering

Thanks to all who generously gave more than $1,100.00 to this important UCC offering.

Arlington Food Pantry – Sunday, Nov 6

We will be collecting non-perishable food items and household goods for the Arlington Food Pantry (AFP). For a list of recommended and high need items visit http://arlingtonfoodpantry.org. For distribution dates or to learn how to register to receive food see: arlingtonfoodpantry.org. We are also looking for regular or occasional volunteers to deliver to the AFP. Info? Interested? Speak with Betty Rich.

Community Supper for the Homeless

See details elsewhere in this newsletter.


Check out “Conference Buzz” and the “Changing Our World” menu at the Mass. Conference website http://www.macucc.org/ or join PACC’s Mission & Justice email distribution list for the latest in mission and justice related news.

Thanksgiving Outreach for Homeless Veterans – Nov 20

We will collect gift cards for the New England Center for Homeless Veterans. Suggested gift cards include: Amex; Visa; supermarkets; major pharmacies and major retailers. To participate, please give gift cards to Josh Young by Sunday, November 20.

Adopt-A-Family – Early Dec

Organized by the Town of Arlington, gifts go to Arlington families in need. “Wish lists” for individual family members and sign up will be in Parish Hall later in November. Deliver new wrapped gifts to church in early December—exact date to be announced. You may also contribute by making donations payable to PACC with Adopt-A-Family on the memo line.

City Mission Society Christmas Shop – Dec 11

Bring new unwrapped gifts to church by Sunday, December 11th. Gifts may be left under the Christmas Tree. Gift Suggestions: Winter coats, sweaters and sweatshirts (large sizes especially); hats, mittens, gloves and scarves; socks and underwear; blankets; backpacks; toys, games, and books for all ages; Boston area store gift cards. For more information see: https://citymissionboston.org/engage/christmas-shop/.

UCC Christmas Fund

The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund: Remembering Those who Serve Our Church

Administered by the UCC Pensions Boards, the Christmas Fund helps provide pension and health premium supplementation to lower-income retired church workers, emergency assistance to clergy or lay church employees in need, as well as Christmas “Thank You” gift checks to hundreds of annuitants. Donations may be made using the blue pew envelopes or by check payable to PACC with “UCC Christmas Fund” on the memo line.

Germaine Lawrence/Youth Villages – Dec

We will also be collecting gifts for 1–2 girls at the Germaine Lawrence/Youth Villages School around the corner from PACC. Details to follow.

Annual Spending Meeting

Toward the end of each year, dedicated PACCers interested in directing our Mission and Justice, Christian Outreach and Hayes Fund donations gather to choose recipients and set the amount of our donations. Please log in to the Doodle poll link http://doodle.com/poll/q6gdknk4csy4n4bb or let us know when you can attend.

Thanks for your generosity, interest and participation.

Author: Mark Tuttle

Husband, father, web master