Choir Rehearsals Resume
Chancel and Festival Choirs
The Chancel Choir, which sings during worship most Sundays, will begin rehearsals Thursday,
September 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the Nicoll Room (upstairs). The coming season promises to be exciting as we revisit familiar and beloved pieces and add interesting works to our repertoire. For those who enjoy singing but not on a regular basis, the Festival Choir is your place! The Festival Choir assists our Chancel Choir on Easter and in our annual Christmas Concert which will be December 4. If you have questions, speak with Jeffrey Brody or any member of the choir.
Youth Choir Gets Back Into the “Sing”!
Greetings to all Youth Choir singers! We will have our first rehearsal on Sunday, September 11, at 10:45. Since that is Regathering Sunday, our rehearsal that day will be somewhat brief, so you can join your family and friends at the luncheon and Post Office Auction after church. Further scheduling details will follow, via weekly email updates to the Youth Choir list.
Youth Choir rehearsals are generally the 1st and 2nd Sundays of each month, in the Nicoll Room, during the latter part of church/Sunday School (10:45-11:30). On the 3rd Sunday, we have an early rehearsal at 9:20am, before we sing in the church service. We meet September through June, and prepare special music for the Pageant, Christmas Concert, and other events. Newcomers are welcome!! If you have a young singer (3rd grade or older) in your family who is considering joining this fun and lively group, please contact Andy Hart.