Christian Education

Christian Education

July 2016

Sunday school
We are continuing to use the Heifer International curriculum to learn about our global neighbors.  Calendars with activities and discussion for home are available in the narthex.  Summer Sunday school
is relaxed and fun with just one multi age group, and we are downstairs in the cool air conditioning.
Come join us!

Outdoor Church

Join us on Sunday, August 7 from 2-5 to help make and distribute lunches in two groups in Harvard and Central Squares.  We’ll join Outdoor Church staff on their regular routes.  We can carpool together from PACC.  If you’d like to join us or have questions, please let Kate know by July 25.  For more information about Outdoor Church, go to

Adult Education

Evening Bible Group typically meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month in the Fellowship Room at 7:30-9 p.m.  We decided to take July off, please join us in August! We meet August 10 and 24.

Join us for a lively discussion! All are welcome.

Author: Mark Tuttle

Husband, father, web master