Mission and Justice
In the UCC
Mass Conference (MACUCC) “Conference Buzz”The Massachusetts Conference website has links to many interesting articles, blogs, and information about upcoming events. See www.macucc.org.
Registration is now open at http://www.macucc.org/eventdetail/2392063 for the 217th Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Conference.
The Annual Meeting will take place at UMass Amherst from Friday, June 17 to Saturday, June 18. It’s an opportunity to gather around God’s immense table of grace, to spend some time in a season of discernment concerning our future. It is a time when bold new initiatives are presented, worship is creative and uplifting, networking is possible at every turn, new ideas are introduced.
PACC is entitled to send two voting delegates, in addition to clergy. Talk to Mike Rich or Tim Durning if you want to be a delegate or alternate.
Local Mission and Justice Matters
Arlington Food Pantry (AFP)
We will be collecting non-perishable food items and household goods for the AFP on Sunday, May 1. For
a list of recommended items and for “How to Register
to Receive Food from the Arlington Food Pantry” visit www.facebook.com/foodpantryarlington or arlingtonfoodpantry.org. We are also looking for regular or occasional volunteers to take our donations to the AFP.
Talk to Kate Lindheim, Lauren Evans or Mike Rich.
Donations to Mystic LGBTQ+
We’ll celebrate our ONA anniversary by enjoying cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles after church in Parish Hall and we’ll collect donations for Mystic LGBTQ+ Youth Support Network to provide a month’s worth of snacks ($100) for their Friday night youth meeting. Mystic LGBTQ+ Youth Support Network provides a safe and supportive place for LGBTQ youth in Arlington and surrounding towns. For more information about the work that Mystic does, see queermystic.org.
Regional Gun Buy Back
Arlington will participate in a regional gun buy back program on Saturday, June 11 from 10-3 at the DPW yard on Grove St. Arlington police will accept any unwanted guns and local gift cards will be distributed in return. This helps dispose of unwanted guns and helps reduce the risk of suicide, accidental discharge, and domestic violence. More information will be forthcoming. If you’d like to help out with the planning or help distribute gift cards on June 11, please speak to Jill Lewis or Kate Lindheim.
Collecting Shoes for Refugees
A Place to Grow is collecting shoes for Refugees in Europe: used shoes for walking in good condition (preferably sneakers and walking shoes, especially for kids). Please tie laces together or put rubber bands around pairs. They have managed to collect 6000 but need 6000 more to fill the container before May 15. A box is downstairs in the hall near the daycare.
The shoes will be shipped to one of the refugee camps in Europe where the organization IAMYOU operates and will distribute .http://www.iamyou.se/mission/ The effort to collect shoes and pay for the shipping costs is a private one. For more info visit: https://www.gofundme.com/shoesforsoles
PACC’s Mission and Justice Deacon is Lauren Evans, supported by Mike & Betty Rich, Jill Lewis, Margaret Bell, and others. They’d be happy to talk with you about this ministry!