Small Talk
April 2016
The Festival of the Resurrection brings home again the wonders of spring and renewal around and within us! Even after a remarkably mild winter, it’s energizing to feel the warmth of the sun for a little longer each day, to find flowers and trees budding, and to begin planning for the months ahead.
Ecclesiastes, the Preacher, reminds us, “For everything there is a season”. As we walk together into the new thing that God always is doing, we’re ready to begin planning for the next season of this interim period. The framework for this season is “discernment”.
What does that mean? In this context, I’m using it to mean prayerful reflection on how God is still speaking to each of us individually and to all of us together. I’ll be working with the Council of Deacons to coordinate opportunities for thinking and talking about PACC’s present identity and its vision for the future. The three main questions posed will be: “Who are we? Who is our neighbor? Who is God calling us to be?” We’ll also be moving toward calling together a committee to search for your next settled pastor.
In your personal prayer time, as you pause in worship on Sunday, even as you daydream, invite the Divine to guide you in discerning how you would begin to answer those three questions. Listen for the still speaking voice. I can assure you, God is there with you and for you, with us and for us, in all of our hopes and beyond our imagination.
The Reverend Jill H. Small