Christian Education
Sunday School
Winter Sunday school calendars are on the table in the narthex. The calendars include the stories we’ll be learning about this winter in Sunday school and ideas for activities and discussion at home.
There will be no regular Sunday school on Sunday, January 17. We’ll have a multi age class for kids in preschool through fifth grade. Nursery care will be available.
Youth groups
We have been putting together birthday bags to help the girls at Germaine Lawrence/Youth Villages celebrate their birthdays. Each month we drop off a bag for one of the dorms to have a monthly birthday celebration of all the birthdays that month. There are about 20 girls in the dorm and we include four boxes of cake mix, four containers of frosting, plates, napkins, forks ( for 20), candy to decorate and paper decorations (like birthday banners and signs, streamers, birthday crowns and hats). We also make and sign cards for the birthday girls. We will put a box in the narthex marked birthday bags. If you would like to donate any of the above items throughout the year, just drop it in the box. Thank you!
We have also been looking through our book shelves for books to donate to Germaine Lawrence. They accept gently used books from picture books through young adult for the girls to read. We have made bookmarks to go in each donated book. If you’ve recently read a book that you’re ready to pass on and you think one of the girls might enjoy, you can drop that in the birthday bag box too. Thanks!
Middle school youth group
The middle school youth group meets during church. Here’s the schedule for January.
January 3—Communion Sunday, youth group stays in church for the worship service
January 10—learn about Jesus’ time in the desert
January 17—youth group stays in church for the worship service. Youth group members are encouraged to participate in the MLK day of service with City Mission Society on either 1/16 or 1/18.
January 24—make a meal for the Community Supper in Somerville and talk about our church’s history and our church memories for the timeline.
January 31—assemble birthday bags and make birthday cards for Germaine Lawrence/Youth Villages