Spiritual Finance Class
This class is being held at PACC over three Sundays from February 1 to March 29 and two phone sessions. The class is designed to help transform your relationship with money and help you feel more comfortable and empowered no matter where you are on the financial spectrum. This is not a nuts and bolts series about financial planning but a place to explore your personal relationship with money and finance. The class is being held at PACC and is open to all, but is not otherwise affiliated with PACC. The PACC sessions will be held in Parish Hall on February 1, March 1, and March 29 from 6-8 pm. In addition, there are two phone sessions on February 15 and March 15 from 6:00-8:00 pm. The class is free and there is more info available at www.kerrycudmore.com/spiritual-finance.html.