Arlington EATS

Arlington EATS

October 11, 19, and 26, 2014

Arlington EATS

For the next three Sundays — October 11, 19, and 26 — we’ll be collecting cans of tuna, juice boxes, pancake mix, and canned vegetables for Arlington EATS, a local program that supplements food during weekends and holidays when the school breakfast and lunch that some may depend on to help feed their families is not available.  Please place donations under the table in the narthex in the bin marked Arlington EATS.

The church received the following letter from Arlington EATS thanking us and asking us for our continued support:

Thanks in large part to your generosity, Arlington EATS –a program that began only a few short months ago– has been able to start addressing very real food scarcity issues that can occur when school is not in session.

In Summer 2014, Arlington EATS…

  • Served about 200 meals per week
  • Provided 30-40 weekend bags of food to families each week
  • Raised nearly $10,000 from local families and organizations
  • Donated $2,500 to programs at Arlington Boys and Girls Club and Fidelity House, which provided daily food for up to 75 children
  • Gathered 60 adults and children to help make, drop off & distribute food, fundraise, coordinate and manage logistics

Beginning in Fall 2014, Arlington EATS will..

  • Have fresh fruit and healthy snacks available for any child who comes to school hungry
  • Distribute weekend food bags to families who opt-in to the program
  • Offer easy and fast volunteer opportunities (with kids!)

We would love to have your help!..

  • Sign up to help package weekend food:
  • Donate healthy and easy-to-eat snacks for distribution to several elementary schools:
  • Donate food for the Weekend Food Bags. We especially need donations of:
    • Cans of Tuna
    • Juice Boxes
    • Pancake Mix
    • Canned Vegetables
  • Visit the website to make a donation or see other volunteer opportunities:
  • Like us on Facebook:

Please help PACC support Arlington EATS.

Author: Mark Tuttle

Husband, father, web master