From the Arlington Board of Youth Services and Housing Authority, December 2017:
a huge thank you for Holiday Help generosity!
“I just cried all over again. I wish I could thank each person individually, this means so much to me. I am so grateful to each and every person that played a role in this. I’m speechless.” – received from a mom after going through the gifts that she had picked up for her children from Holiday Help delivery headquarters.
With your enormous help we gave Holiday Help gifts to 220 Arlington children in 121 Arlington families. You were a part of 58 different giving groups in the Holiday Help program this year.
You were unbelievably generous with your gift-giving, your time coordinating the program, and your community spirit. Lori, Janet, and I are so grateful to you for partnering with us year after year. As this mother attests the families are truly overwhelmed with all you do for them.
It indeed makes Arlington a special community to be part of.
Patsy Kraemer, Lori Talanian, Janet Doyle