Worship and music
Worship and music are at the heart of our experience as Christians. The Worship and Music ministry is for those who feel called to help with weekly worship as the core of our faith community and/or who can contribute their talents for music to the life of the church. We have many ways to serve.
Sunday Morning Worship
Worship services are held in our sanctuary each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. We offer the Sacrament of Holy Communion during worship on the first Sunday of each month, as well as on other occasions such as Christmas Eve and Easter. (Once a month, we offer a brief, informal “Mid-month Communion Service” in the sanctuary immediately following regular worship for those wishing to participate.) Our Sunday worship experiences are a rich blend of sacred music and hymn-singing, prayer, reading of Scripture, and preaching, as well as a brief “Children’s Corner” early in the service. It takes a number of volunteers working together to make weekly worship happen. If you think you’d like to help, please contact members of the Worship and Music Ministry or call the church office.
Special Worship Services
At various times during the year, our members participate in seasonal worship services in addition to Sunday morning. These include: Christmas Eve (4:00 p.m. family candlelight service and 10:00 p.m. candlelight service with Communion); evening Ash Wednesday service of lessons, hymns, and prayers; evening Maundy Thursday Tenebrae service of Scripture readings, hymns, and prayers; and a noon-time Good Friday community “Seven Last Words” service at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Arlington. There are also special seasonal services that occur on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m., including our annual Children’s Christmas Pageant; a post-Christmas lessons and carols service; and a glorious Easter Sunday service (with Communion), among others. Your involvement in these services is most welcome. To find out how you can help in the preparation and implementation of these services, please contact members of the Worship and Music Ministry or call the church office.
Volunteer opportunities for worship
For each role listed below, we need one organizer who will simply make sure someone is lined up to participate in these functions for each service. In addition we need individuals who are willing to serve in these various roles for one or more services.
- Liturgists
- Welcomers and Ushers
- Acolytes
- Communion preparation and clean-up (Chancel Guild)
- Decorating the church for Christmas and Easter
Volunteer opportunities for music
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir, led by Jeffrey Brody, is open to anyone who enjoys singing. The choir sings in the church service each week from September through June. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7:30 and Sunday mornings at 9:00.
Festival Choir
The Festival Choir, led by Jeffrey Brody, includes all of the Chancel Choir as well as others who would like the opportunity to sing in the annual Christmas concert or on Easter Sunday. People who like to sing can use this opportunity to meet new people and participate in making beautiful music without making a year-long commitment.
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir, led by Andy Hart, is for singers in fourth grade and up. Rehearsals are at 11:45 on Sunday mornings. The choir sings about once a month in church. It’s a fun social group where you learn a lot and have fun doing it. Singers are welcome to come try it out, even if they’re not sure about continuing.
Concert Series
The concert series brings outside musicians to PACC to give concerts that benefit the music program. We are looking for volunteers to help organize and publicize the concerts and to organize the after-concert receptions.
Music Library
We are looking for two or three volunteers to help manage the church’s music library. The job consists mostly of cataloging music and getting it put back where it belongs after it is used.
Instrumental Music
Any adult or young person who plays an instrument is encouraged to use their talent in a worship service. Please speak with Jeffrey Brody or Andy Hart about the possibility.