Membership Ministry
The Membership Ministry is devoted to spreading the word outside the walls of the building so that others can be inspired by the ministry and people of the church and wish to become a part of it. We are responsible for attracting people to visit our church, extending a warm welcome when they do so, and ushering them through the process of joining when they feel ready.
PACC members have always been welcoming to new people, so membership has placed an emphasis on drawing more visitors by increasing our visibility in the community. We interface with the other ministries and their activities, but our focus is outwardly directed: How can we make the wider community more aware of our ministries and church?
Membership ministry was created during our restructuring in response to input from the congregation that this needed more focus. As a relatively new ministry ourselves, we are still trying new things, we are very open to suggestions and encourage you to bring us your ideas. We welcome anyone who feels inspired to join with us in this work.
If you are a visitor to this site
Welcome! We hope that our website is providing you with the information that you are seeking. We are happy to hear your feedback, you can find out how to contact us here.
You may be interested in a thoughtful brochure that the UCC has created about our faith and what it means to become a member, you can download it by clicking here.
Volunteer opportunities
- Help to publicize PACC events and activities in the wider community
- Help create and maintain the content of the church web site.
- Make creative displays for our bulletin boards (in the narthex, the parish hall and the entry)
- Help with PACC’s booth at the annual Town Day in September.
- Interview new members of PACC and write an article for the SPIRE introducing them.
- Help keep track of nametags and encourage people to wear them on Sundays.
- INVITE your friends, neighbors and family to worship or one of our fellowship activities