Finance and property

Finance and property

This ministry is concerned with the church buildings and grounds and their upkeep, and it makes sure we are responsible caretakers of our monetary and tangible resources. There are many ways to help in this ministry. Some require particular talents and expertise. Others require only good will and some muscle power.

Volunteer opportunities

General Fund Administration

Work with Treasurer and Financial Secretary to oversee ongoing operational financial affairs of the church. Includes preparation of yearly budget.


Participate in once-yearly review of church finances and financial controls.


Encourage PACC congregation to support the work of the Lord via annual giving to the church.

Planned Giving

Plan a program to solicit endowment for the church primarily via giving in wills or gift annuities.


Work with management of church investments, primarily to set an investment strategy to achieve a diversified investment portfolio in line with church objectives, risk tolerance and tax free status.

Capital Campaign

Help to plan and manage a church wide effort to define capital needs and run a campaign to collect donations above and beyond annual giving.


Help organize work parties, and oversee capital improvements to the Church. We are looking for volunteers to help with maintenance and repair projects, as well as work on the church gardens.