PACC web site credits
We are fortunate to have had a large group of technically savvy people to build and maintain our web site over the years. Special thanks to:
- Rob Adams: Rob built and hosted the original church web site and email lists on his own server for many years until he and his family moved to Illinois, and even then continued for years to host and maintain them as a special service to the church. Rob also installed the computer network at the church, and configured all of the computers in the church office for fundamental services like printing and email. Rob literally brought the church into the world of modern technology!
- Nick Dokos: Nick used his considerable software experience to assist Rob in implementing and maintaining many features of the web site, and has been the primary technical contact at the church since Rob moved away.
- Merrith Sabo-Jones: Merrith designed the look and feel of the original web site and contributed a lot of content to the web site, especially for Sarah’s Circle and the Concert Series.
- Jill Lewis: Jill has a special interested in Christian Outreach, and has maintained that corner of the web.
- Mark Tuttle: Mark helped move the web site and email lists from Rob’s personal server to a commercial internet service provider in 2007, and has maintained the site since then.
- Mike Rich: Mike has faithfully provided content for the web site, including updates on the PACC men and Bible study groups.
- Karen Stark: Karen and the membership committee proposed a new design for the web site in 2010, which — after input from others — led to the current design.
Thanks to all of you. We couldn’t have done this without you!