2016 Holiday Fair
Friday and Saturday,
November 11 and 12, 2016
Park Avenue Congregational Church at 50 Paul Revere Road in Arlington Heights is pleased to announce that the annual Holiday Fair will be held on Friday, November 11, from 6 to 9 and on Saturday, November 12, from 9 to 2.
The Fair will include a Lasagna Supper on Friday evening, starting at 5:30, as well as a Pie Shop with lots of delectable choices. Shoppers on Saturday can enjoy a variety of freshly made food choices at the Soup and Sandwich Luncheon beginning at 11:30.
On both days shoppers will have the opportunity to purchase holiday crafts, handmade gifts, knit items, books, jewelry, jellies, pickles and incredible baked treats. Take the Cookie Walk where, for a nominal fee, you can fill a brightly decorated coffee can with your very own choices from hundreds and hundreds of cookies. There is also a Country Store table with lots of useful items, an Attic Treasures table with surprises from somebody’s attic, and the Photo Booth where you can choose from a variety of wigs, hats and props to create your own special moments in a photo strip to take with you.
Additionally, there is a Silent Auction table, certainly one of our most popular features. Members of the church offer services, talents, and a variety of gifts which will go to the successful bidders. Look everything over carefully, and bid high if you want to win your favorite items.
If you have any questions or wish to help, please call the church office at 781-643-8680. Hope to see you at the Fair!