PACC Presents 18th Annual Christmas Concert
Constance Dugan
The Arlington Advocate
December 4, 2008
It is our pleasure to invite families of all ages to our 18th Annual Christmas Concert at Park Avenue Congregational Church in Arlington Heights, on Sunday, December 7 at 4:00PM in our sanctuary. The doors will open at 3:30 PM. A free-will donation will be accepted, with thanks, for the benefit of our Music Program. There will be a dessert reception in the Parish Hall of the church directly following the concert, where there will an opportunity to meet the musicians while having refreshments.
A quote from our very talented music director says, “it gives me great pleasure to continue the long-standing tradition of the PACC Christmas Concert. This year’s program will appeal to people young and old by virtue of its wide-ranging selection of repertoire and performers. The Festival Choir, under my direction, will perform two great choral works from the French and Italian Baroque choral repertoire, the “Gloria” of Antonio Vivaldi, and the Midnight Mass for Christmas Eve by Marc Antoine Charpentier. There will be instrumental selections on the organ as well as with other instruments. This year is the centenary of the great French composer, Olivier Messiaen, and to recognize this important and influential composer, I will play two selections from his 9-movement work for organ, “La Nativite du Seigneur”.”
The concert program will include several pieces performed by the PACC Youth Choir, under the directionof our very talented Andrea Hart. Mambers of the choir range in age from 8 to 14 years. These young musicians will sing a plainchant and carol from early English Tradition, as well as joyous works by Bowen and Telemann. Both choirs will join together with the audience in singing some delightful and traditional Christmas Carols.
The sanctuary of the Park Avenue Congregational Church will be decorated with greens and candles, added together with the beautiful music of the season, will create a very festive atmosphere. We welcome one and all to come and share with you this Christmas Gift of peace on earth.
The PACC, located on the corner of Park Avenue and Paul Revere Road, one block up from Massachusetts Avenue in Arlington Heights, is wheelchair accessible, and is on MBTA bus route 77. For more information about this concert, please call the Church Office, Monday — Friday between 8:30AM — 12:30PM at 781-643-8680, or email the office, or visit our website at