PACC Concert Series Publicity

Here are some venues for publicizing the concert series contributed by Kathy Fink, Merrith Sabo-Jones, and Margaret Cheng Tuttle as of September 2010.

Note: For the annual Christmas concert, the phrase “The concert is free (donations appreciated)” might be the most succinct language for describing the admission fee.

  1. Newspapers
    1. Boston Globe: June Wulff (events),, 617-929-2000 (at directory say her name)
    2. Arlington Advocate: Nicole Laskowski (articles),, 781-674-7726; Margaret Smith (calendar events),, 978-371-5753
    3. Lexington Minuteman:
    4. Cambridge Chronicle: David Harris,, 617-629-3387
    5. Watertown Tab & Press: Jillian Fennimore,, 781-433-8331
    6. Weekly Shopper:, 781-652-8822 phone, 781-652-0447 fax, Sue Orr publisher.  Put “Attn: Good Stuff to Do” in the subject line. The Weekly Shoper is direct mail going to Arlington, Belmont, Lexington, Winchester, and Woburn. Submission instructions are listed on the MVS Publishing Inc. website under Good Stuff to Do.
    7. Other Community Newspaper Company weeklies
      1. Cambridge Tab
      2. Burlington Union
      3. Lexington Minuteman
      4. Winchester Star
  2. Web sites
    1. Arlington Patch: Kaitlyn Laabs – send her complete press release a few weeks before the concert. She may be able to provide video event coverage (Grant Mukai 617-830-2648 –
    2. Your Arlington: Bob Sprague Talk to Bob about getting access to enter articles. He will need to handle photos and pictures.
  3. Electronic calendars

    1. WBUR arts calendar
    2. Boston Globe things to do calendar
    3. Arlington Advocate event calendar entries seem to appear on event calendars for all of the local weekly papers owned by Community Newspaper Company
    4. WGBH events calendar is very hard to get on
    5. WCRB is now owned by WGBH
    6. WhoFish event calendar is very good and will highlight for a small fee which is probably worth it.
    7. BostonCentral events calendar is for family and kid activities.

    Most electronic calendars will accept an event picture and a web site, and it is good to give both. Some will allow you to update your event listing, but most won’t. WhoFish will send you notices when someone forwards your event listing to a friend.

  4. Television advertising
    1. Arlington Cable
  5. Email
    1. We have an email list of people who have signed up for concert announcements
    2. We should send email to the PACC announce lists
    3. We should send email to the Arlington announce lists
  6. Mailings
    1. Spectrum Music
    2. Most public libraries: Robbins, Fox, etc
    3. NEPTA for piano concerts by piano members
    4. AGO for organ concerts by organ members

Advertising at local music schools is tempting, but this generally does not bring in audience members.

We might ask organizations like Sunrise Assisted Living to consider making a concert on our series an organized outing for the group.

We might consider asking Arlington Cable if they are interested in recording and broadcasting any of our concerts.