Read the latest edition of our monthly newsletter The SPIRE HERE to find out when we are meeting next.

PACC-Men (yes, think video game, mental connection intended) is an informal men’s ministry dedicated to the mental and spiritual well being of adults associated with our congregation who identify as male. The group provides mutual support through lively discussions, planned outings and other opportunities for fun, learning, growth and fellowship. We usually meet on the first Tuesday of the month in the evening. We alternate between the Fellowship Room at PACC and various local (and not so local) venues. We have started experimenting with a 6:30 p.m. gathering time, but check the church calendar or call the church office to confirm the date, time, and location before traveling.

Here are some examples of past activities, just to give you a feeling for the breadth and depth of what we like to do:

We ate together at many restaurants from Arlington to Bedford, to Burlington, to Cambridge, to Lexington, to Waltham.

We have visited the Purgatory Chasm State Reservation, Arlington’s Great Meadows, America’s Stonehenge, the MIT Museum, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Spencer Organ Company, and the Arlington Historical Society Museum at Jason Russell House.

We have had presentations on the history of psychiatry in Massachusetts, architectural projects, the restoration and works of PACC’s historic Skinner Organ, the Affordable Care Act, medical financing, the social safety net, fly fishing and tying, ministry through computer education with the homeless, mental health ministry, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the future of television on the occasion of the launching of Telstar (1962), walking El Camino as ministry and meditation, Restorative Justice, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression and the Open and Affirming (ONA) designation; and a group dramatic reading from Shakespeare.