Christian Education

Christian Education 

September 2017

Sunday School 

Welcome back to Sunday school! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing about your summer adventures! Look for an email in early September letting you know who your Sunday school teacher will be and where your group will be meeting. We’ll continue to use the Shine story-based curriculum. This fall’s theme is Being God’s People. We’ll learn stories of God’s people from the early church and from the book of Genesis. Calendars with all of our lessons and ideas for activities and discussion at home will be available in the narthex on Regathering Sunday.

Youth Group 

Middle schoolers will continue to meet during the worship service.

Seventh grade and up will also meet on Sunday, September 24 from 7-8:30 to make the main dish for the Somerville community supper and do some planning for the year ahead!

Youth Choir Gets Back Into the “Sing!” 

Greetings to all Youth Choir singers – I can’t wait to see you in September! We will have our first brief meeting on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, at about 11:45 (after you have had a chance to join your family and friends at the Regathering Sunday luncheon). Further scheduling details will follow via the Youth Choir email list!

Newcomers are always welcome! If you would like to sing in this fun and lively group, come give it a try! (3rd grade and older)

The Youth Choir generally rehearses on the 1st and 2nd Sundays of each month, in the Nicoll Room, after Church/Sunday School (usually around 11:15-12:00). On the 3rd Sunday, we have an early rehearsal at 9:20am, and on that Sunday, we sing in the church service during All Ages time. This schedule is from September through June, and we prepare also for the Pageant, Christmas Concert, and other special events. We sing all kinds of beautiful things: contemporary and classical music, songs from other countries, folk songs, rounds, and spirituals, in unison and harmony.

Further details will follow — we may be adjusting our rehearsal time slightly in future weeks, and I will keep choir families posted! If you have a young singer in your family who is thinking about joining, please contact Andy Hart ( Thank you very much, and see you in September!!

Author: Mark Tuttle

Husband, father, web master